Healthy 15 yr. old dies two days after second covid shot...those dam unvaxxed killed him!!

EXCLUSIVE: In CA, Otherwise Healthy 15-Year Old Dies Two Days After Second Pfizer Shot
By Jennifer Oliver O'Connell | Oct 05, 2021 12:00 PM ET

Over the 18 months of this pandemic, data and studies worldwide concerning children and COVID-19 have shown the chances of contracting and spreading COVID-19 are minimal compared to the adult population. Some have warned that forcing children to take a minimally tested vaccine would have its consequences. Even the World Health Organization recommends a measured process and further study before mandating the vaccination of children:

While the WHO did conclude that the Pfizer vaccine is “suitable for use by people aged 12 years and above,” and that “children aged between 12 and 15 who are at high risk may be offered this vaccine alongside other priority groups for vaccination,” it also said more evidence is needed on the use of coronavirus vaccines in this population before making general recommendations.

“Vaccine trials for children are ongoing and WHO will update its recommendations when the evidence or epidemiological situation warrants a change in policy,” it said.

Why the need to proceed with caution? Because in Sonoma County, CA, an otherwise healthy 15-year-old teenager was found dead by his mother. The teenager had received his second dose of the Pfizer vaccine two days prior.

From the Death Investigation Synopsis Report, courtesy of the Reopen California Schools Twitter feed:

The decedent was found unresponsive in his bedroom after his mother was checking on his welfare long after he was supposed to wake in the morning. The decedent was pronounced dead at the scene due to obvious death. The decedent had been in good health with no medical history and had received his second Pfizer COVID-19 Vaccination approximately two days before his death.

The CDC is aware this is not an anomaly. Back in July, they investigated the death of a 13-year-old Michigan teenager. who died two days after receiving his second shot of the Pfizer vaccine. As early as June, reports out of Israel saw a link between the second shot of the Pfizer vaccine and complications, particularly in young men under 30.

After emergency personnel pronounced the young man dead on the scene, his body was transported to the Sonoma County Morgue facility and a thorough post-mortem exam was done by a forensic pathologist.

Their findings:

After extensive research, additional testing, and collaboration with numerous other entities, the cause of death was determined to be: “STRESS CARDIOMYOPATHY WITH PERIVASCULAR CORONARY ARTERY INFLAMMATION (hours to days), due to, UNKNOWN ETIOLOGY IN SETTING OF RECENT PFIZER-BIONTECH COVID-19 VACCINATION (days).” There were no other significant conditions contributing to the death listed.

Reopen California Schools obtained this report from Daniel Bryant, a fellow parent acquainted with the family.

Their Twitter thread continued:

According to parents behind the PRA, there are no official juvenile deaths listing complications from the Covid vaccine as the cause of death in Sonoma County. Parents requested details of juvenile deaths where manner of death was “undetermined” and the report mentions Covid.

Using the information obtained, parents were then able to find this death in the VAERS database. Interestingly, the VAERS entry only mentions the date of the first dose 23 days prior, not the date of the second dose two days prior.

The parents offer their condolences to the family who lost their child and wish them privacy. They also want to bring this information to light, especially considering varying teen vaccination policies around the world and with the upcoming state vaccine mandate to attend school.

As our Managing Editor Jennifer Van Laar reported on California’s latest vaccine mandate:

California Gov. Gavin Newsom announced that he will be signing an executive order requiring all students in the state – in public and private schools – to take the COVID-19 vaccine in order to attend school in person

But not just attend school: participate in extracurricular activities such as sports, theater, clubs, school social events and dances, basically anything that matters to a young person beyond the schooling.

Yet, the data, and scientific studies that show the side effects and deaths associated with giving the vaccine to young people appear to not be a factor in Governor Newsom and his health experts’ decision-making.

Along with obtaining the PRA, Bryant’s research revealed that up until now, Sonoma County has had zero pediatric COVID deaths. Tragically, now they have at least one death that appears to be vaccine-related.

The thread ends with this sobering assessment:

Here is Sonoma County’s Covid dashboard showing zero pediatric Covid deaths. 58% of teens 12-15 are fully vaccinated. There is no dashboard in Sonoma County showing adverse Covid vaccine reactions.

And just so Reopen California Schools is not accused of being “anti-vaxx”, the thread writer offered this conclusory thought:

I want to add the Covid vaccine has been shown to work very well at reducing serious disease and death in those at risk of such, which is primarily older adults. Considering such low risk Covid poses to children, the calculus on child vaccination is different to many parents.
One o' me favourite Australian quotes is:
"No matter where ya go - there ya are!"

And another one is: "SUE the Bastards!"

The second one surely applies here.

### Salty
Always enjoy reading to gain insight, thanks.
What does that have to do with the facts of this documented story...that's right...NOTHING!!
You get your facts from the libtard bias factcheck...THAT IS A FACT!!
Did "factcheck" tell you that there is nothing to see with the PISSANT persiding over the implosion of America...DO TELL!!
LexusLover's Avatar
What does that have to do with the facts ... Originally Posted by bb1961
The folks who legally voted for the idiots in the WH have to find any, and I mean just ANY, bullshit to support their lame-ass decision.
  • oeb11
  • 10-06-2021, 08:24 AM
DPST agenda items open borders and Open elections to all - are all about DPST hegemony and marxist destruction of American Freedoms.

Buck fiden
From my cold dead hands
rexdutchman's Avatar
37 year old Jessica B Wilson Also died after the vaccine , ( look it up)
They are Lying about the side effects and effectiveness ,, No informed consent on this ongoing medical experiment