Republicans Created the Debt

Time to put to rest the notion that it's Democrats that are the spenders. 71% of our national debt was created under Republican Presidents. And George W. Bush was responsible for almost half of it by himself. My educated guess is that the Bush tax cuts, a half-ass invasion of Afghanistan and a dumbass invasion of Iraq are responsible for most of that. Why is it that Republicans were silent on the debt when Bush was President? Why is it that they were cheerleaders for the invasion of Iraq? Why is it that suddenly, upon the election of a Democratic President, the problem that they created becomes the most pressing problem ever? I'll tell you why. Because they don't care about America. They care about Republicans.
Time to put to rest the notion that it's Democrats that are the spenders. 71% of our national debt was created under Republican Presidents. And George W. Bush was responsible for almost half of it by himself. My educated guess is that the Bush tax cuts, a half-ass invasion of Afghanistan and a dumbass invasion of Iraq are responsible for most of that. Why is it that Republicans were silent on the debt when Bush was President? Why is it that they were cheerleaders for the invasion of Iraq? Why is it that suddenly, upon the election of a Democratic President, the problem that they created becomes the most pressing problem ever? I'll tell you why. Because they don't care about America. They care about Republicans. Originally Posted by TheTexasTomato

Hmmmm.....I better check my Constitution to see if an amendment was made since the last time I checked it....I thought congress had authority over spending......I thought under Reagan's 8 years, the dumbocrats controlled both the house and senate for 6 of those years.....those marxist cult drones always want to blame Reagan for cutting deals with the democrat congress who pushed TAX AN SPEND policies.....we all know Reagan didn't push TAX AND SPEND policies, though he did commit money to reducing nuclear arms and defeating our enemies who wanted to "bury" us....I wonder if national defense is still an enumerated power?.....HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA!

Gee, I wonder what the spending looks like under a republican controlled congress versus a dumbocrat controlled congress.....seems I remember reading an article about that once....I recall that this is not a debate marxist cult drones want to have, especially during this Obamination.........HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA!

Thank God for the Tea Party.....without them directing the debate, we would not even be discussing spending cuts......