Can we please not do this shit? We're not BP/CL.

Lust4xxxLife's Avatar
Ok, I picked up some kind of plague in the last couple of days so I apologize in advance for being grumpy.

I looked on the page for Ads today and at first I thought I must have gone to BP or CL because of all the screwed up font shit. Does anyone think we like that here? Based on a survey I ran a few months ago, most hobbyists don't like it and skip over those ads.

Please pass it on...

...or correct me if you think it's 'kewl'.

I Fr33kin H8 IT, GH3TTO Ish~aND traSHy**
°•-: ★°•-:¦:-•°WhAt On EaRtH ArE YOu TAlkInG AboUt? °•-°★•-:¦

★ ★ ★ ★It DOeSNt MaKe You SuPer HorNy And WeT?★ ★ ★ ★
Fancyinheels's Avatar
pyramider's Avatar
Is Jess of Houston back?
LazurusLong's Avatar
It is just another carry over from the ASPD days.

Ignore the ads. If they didn't get calls, they would change it.

Problem is that most who post shit like that aren't posting their own ads anyway...
CenterLock's Avatar
I've been biting my tongue for a while trying not to start a thread on this. Came close to mentioning it on the campic thread but didn't. Now I can just comment. But while we're at it, do words like WARNING, ALERT, and CAUTION really get anyone interested? Maybe it's just me. ... but those equate to "skip this" in my vocabulary.

I nearly died laughing when I was so fed up with BP style titles and came across a certain provider's thread Tired of the BS? Ah.... to be understood.
Torito's Avatar
It's just all fucked up and very irritating. Dont' call them. They will get the message or go away from starvation.

LazurusLong's Avatar
How many members sending THIS linked thread to the provider in PM do you think it would take for her or her pimp to get the message to quit this fucked up bullshit?
smartguy420's Avatar
On another note, I do find it funny when they post something like "Hideous and ugly with no taste at your service" I did see some ad along the lines of that, and then I had the urge to check it out.
TexRich's Avatar
probably is the pimp's way of marketing his girls, I doubt most dont have any type of marketing skills so this is their best attempt. stupid ass pimps!
Well then, why don't you tell us how you want our ads then!!! LOL, just kidding. I understand exactly what you guys are saying. I've been wondering about some things myself. I've tried different things in my ads. I've tried putting paragraphs and I've tried being very short & blunt with my words. Which works best for you guys? Cause it seems like if I put all the info you guys need to know.....when you call, you ask for that same info I've put on the ad. I feel like too much detail confuses guys, lol!!! So now that its been said you guys don't like all that fancy writing, as far as the decorations & stuff....what does catch yal's attention when reading an ad? I hope I'm not getting off subject!!! Sorry if I am!!!
Suite270's Avatar
Well then, why don't you tell us how you want our ads then!!! LOL, just kidding. I understand exactly what you guys are saying. I've been wondering about some things myself. I've tried different things in my ads. I've tried putting paragraphs and I've tried being very short & blunt with my words. Which works best for you guys? Cause it seems like if I put all the info you guys need to know.....when you call, you ask for that same info I've put on the ad. I feel like too much detail confuses guys, lol!!! So now that its been said you guys don't like all that fancy writing, as far as the decorations & stuff....what does catch yal's attention when reading an ad? I hope I'm not getting off subject!!! Sorry if I am!!! Originally Posted by Carly's Angels

I personally like 'real pictures' - not glamour shots, clothes that you would never wear, some funky backdrop for scenery, etc. The best shots are taken of you - your real self (damn sexy I might add!).

The text should be simple: price, location, times, and how I should contact you. Everything else is in the Showcase..

Of course, this is "me" and I am sure there are hundreds of other (valued) opinions

SeXxy CaRLy yOur BoOOtY iS sO VeeRRyyy NIce.

I REEeaaly WIIISSH peOPLE sTOP RIGHTing LIke tHIs, its M@kEs My F%CKiNG eYes HuRT.....
Its like peeling an onion, bad for the eyes.........ugh.

Yes I spelled writing wrong, for special effects.
Jasser's Avatar
I personally like 'real pictures' - not glamour shots, clothes that you would never wear, some funky backdrop for scenery, etc. The best shots are taken of you - your real self (damn sexy I might add!).

The text should be simple: price, location, times, and how I should contact you. Everything else is in the Showcase..

Of course, this is "me" and I am sure there are hundreds of other (valued) opinions

S270 Originally Posted by Suite270

Exactomundo! I couldn't have said it better. One other thing that causes confusion is different rates. For instance, a lady's P411 profile may state one rate, with or without a discount, then the showcase states another rate, and last the ad may have a different rate or nor rate at all. Which rate applies? I hate asking "how much".