RIP Miss Edna Milton Chadwell: Chicken Ranch Madam

Yowzer's Avatar
See Today's Chronicle

Interesting side note on how she hated the movie because it trivialized the story. I often wondered how complacent the town of La Grange was at the time. Besides the sheriff (who is voted in) there must have been bible belt people who turned a blind eye. Or did not mind since she ran such a taut ship, kept crime at bay, spent money at local businesses, and gave to charity.

So when is someone going to write a book about the recent Houston hay days and about the McDonalds of whorehouses: The Escape chain and Amazing John? (Is he still in jail? I heard he got like 8 years in federal prison for tax evasion). Too bad there is no Marvin Zindler (RIP) to add character to that recent era.

Has any old farts here ever been to the Chicken Ranch? Any stories? By my math you would have to be in your late 60s plus years old.
LexusLover's Avatar
See Today's Cronicle

Has any old farts here ever been to the Chicken Ranch? Any stories? By my math you would have to be in your late 60s plus years old. Originally Posted by Yowzer
Chicken Ranch was for Aggies. Hattie's was for TeaSips.

May they both rest in peace....with a smile.
Yowzer's Avatar
Chicken Ranch was for Aggies. Hattie's was for TeaSips.<snip> Originally Posted by LexusLover
Never heard of it. But Here is a Chronicle archive article on it. Pretty much died in 1946. Article said that San Angelo was a wild and wooly town at the time.

Next time you are in San Angelo, you can visit the restored place. See As supposed to be rather ornate like you would dream about or see in Western movies.
boardman's Avatar
See Today's Chronicle

So when is someone going to write a book about the recent Houston hay days and about the McDonalds of whorehouses: Originally Posted by Yowzer

Who will play me in the movie???
dearhunter's Avatar
Alfred Winston will play me......ijs.
boardman's Avatar
I guess I'd be ok with Patrick Stewart

Yowzer's Avatar
We will need to sign up as "extras" on the movie. I'm sure they will appreciate the authentic look.

Anyone have any updates on Amazing John? (I forgot his real name). I hope he is staying at the "club med" style of white collar crime fed prison.
Never saw the movie, but I will look for it. It appears that she was approached many times and didn't take any crap or break under pressure. Definately a hero in my book
LexusLover's Avatar
Never heard of it. Originally Posted by Yowzer

South of the River (now Town Lake) relatively cose to what is now I35.
stickitinyou's Avatar
See Today's Chronicle

Has any old farts here ever been to the Chicken Ranch? Any stories? By my math you would have to be in your late 60s plus years old. Originally Posted by Yowzer
I play cards with an older gentleman that has a coin from the "chicken ranch" and he uses it as a card cover. It has a value of $3 (I think) and was good for an all nighter. It really is a cool piece of history.
cockstrong's Avatar
ive ran into several older guys that claim 2 have been there, cant confirm that they are telling the truth or full of shit....but they are all old enough, 60+
Wakeup's Avatar
At least she outlived that fag Marvin Zindler...
sharkman29's Avatar
I went there. And Sealy too. All in the same night. We took a road trip from Austin when I was in college. We were all too scared to do anything and no one bought any pussy. But it was a helluva good road trip.
LexusLover's Avatar
We took a road trip from Austin when I was in college. ..... no one bought any pussy. Originally Posted by sharkman29
You left Austin .... to buy pussy? Dammmmn.