Great Live Performances

"Spanky!" the voices in my head command. "Post some shit!" I cannot but obey.

I really enjoy live music, both as an audience member and recorded live performances. Here is where you see who the real musicians are.

These are some that I like. If you have others to post, please do!

By the way, if you're not aware, you can embed a YouTube video by using [YOUTUBE] tags with the code at the end of the YouTube link between them.

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Now that that's out of the way: Stevie. Ray. Vaughan. What a talent he was. All artists feel the music. He became the music. Any live performance of his would be excellent, these are just some I watched recently. First clip, 4:13. Wow.

The sounds he got from that beat-to-shit Stratocaster!

More in his usual element (no tux).

Rush. You either love them or hate them. Most hate. I love. I think a good deal of the hatred stems from Geddy Lee's voice, admittedly an acquired taste. No problem here, since "La Villa Strangiato" is an instrumental. Unfortunately this isn't the whole song but picks up at Alex Lifeson's guitar solo. No matter, it's the part that makes the song in my opinion. The initial subtlety, the slow build, the delicate phrasing, the blistering, screaming crescendo.

I am in awe of her voice during the latter part of this performance. Wish I had been there to see this live in London years ago.

I am in awe of her voice during the latter part of this performance. Wish I had been there to see this live in London years ago.

{YOUTUBE]MFpX4lNJPh4[YOUTUBE] Originally Posted by Rockydoc
Rockydoc, you need a forward slash before the 'Y' in the closing tag to show the video. Which I suspect you may have already corrected before seeing this.

Also, that is impressive and I'm not really even a fan of hers. Great vocal control.
secomd try

More Rush. Don't worry, another instrumental: YYZ (pronounced Y Y Zed by them). Worth sticking around for the Neil Peart drum solo starting at 3:21.

Something that I think is interesting about Rush is that they are often perceived as these brooding, introspective, progressive rock guys. To be fair, Neil Peart kind of is that, but if you watch much of their live stuff at all, you can see how much fun Geddy Lee and Alex Lifeson had performing together.

WMJ4657's Avatar
I have always been a Eagles fan. Just read that Vince Gill is going to be working with the band taking Glen Frey's [RIP]place.

Eager to see how they sound.
BK's Avatar
  • BK
  • 06-03-2017, 02:38 PM
More Rush. Don't worry, another instrumental: YYZ (pronounced Y Y Zed by them). Worth sticking around for the Neil Peart drum solo starting at 3:21.

Something that I think is interesting about Rush is that they are often perceived as these brooding, introspective, progressive rock guys. To be fair, Neil Peart kind of is that, but if you watch much of their live stuff at all, you can see how much fun Geddy Lee and Alex Lifeson had performing together. Originally Posted by SpankyJ
Being percussion driven myself and having raised a drummer. I love Peart but the excessive drum solos are so fucking boring to me. I don't mind a small break but they totally detract from a song. Great drummers will make a song by putting intricate timing changes into the songs that it takes a fine tuned ear to hear them. Yeah he could and still can roll a set like most only dream of. I wont get into drummer debates or best guitarist debates those are all individual preferences.

I really enjoy LIVE music that sounds close to the recording, crisp, clear, and not muddled up by the fuckin soundboard dudes. If an artist has to use too many auto-tune and too many computer driven firing sounds to make them sound good or lip syncing they lost me at that point.
Being percussion driven myself and having raised a drummer. I love Peart but the excessive drum solos are so fucking boring to me. I don't mind a small break but they totally detract from a song. Great drummers will make a song by putting intricate timing changes into the songs that it takes a fine tuned ear to hear them. Yeah he could and still can roll a set like most only dream of. I wont get into drummer debates or best guitarist debates those are all individual preferences. Originally Posted by BK
Oh yeah, I hear you. For almost any other drummer I completely agree. The one thing that makes Peart a little different, for me at least, is that he incorporated some melodic stuff into his solos to add intrerest.

Totally agree that "best" anything debates are pointless. For example, someone like Mike Portnoy could give Peart a run for his money any day of the week. He might arguably even be better.
WMJ4657's Avatar
Thank You SpankyJ

What every man wants to do "Going down the road tryin to loosen [lose] my load"!!!

I am sure there is ladies out there to make it happen
Also, that is impressive and I'm not really even a fan of hers. Great vocal control. Originally Posted by SpankyJ
Here is a totally different side of her, the soft melodic beautiful side. In addition, she is really beautiful when she maintains her weight and tones down the makeup.

Here are some classics

Speaking of The Who - an all-time favorite.

bluffcityguy's Avatar
When I was in college I worked at the municipal auditorium (the old Kiel Auditorium) in St. Louis. I worked in that capacity on the evening of March 22, 1976, when Elvis Presley gave his last concert in St. Louis. (Text of the review which appeared in the St. Louis Post-Dispatch the next day:

I never was a Presley fan myself, but I did have to admire the way he could work his crowd. I've never seen anything else like it in my life.

