OMG - I'm shocked, SHOCKED I tell you...

jjxxx's Avatar
  • jjxxx
  • 11-09-2017, 08:25 PM
So now Louis CK is in the Main-Stream-Media for various masturbatory perversions - so fucking what.

We men are all disgusting perverts at our core - we can also be kind and understanding and sensitive to women's needs and sexual boundaries. Think Private Joker in Full Metal Jacket - "Born to Kill" and wearing a "Peace Symbol". It has something to do with the duality of Man Sir, it's a Jungian thing...

The media are chanting "it's an epidemic!" ...or "we're just scratching the surface". NO SHIT! When you've done scratching the surface you'll have scratched away 1/2 the human race.

We are what we are - we can change ourselves, a little, up at the surface, but deep down we're pretty much hard wired. If you change that you change what it means to be a man - is that what all those calling for change really want?

Perhaps the deeper problem is that of imbalance of power. Probably none of us on this site have had the kind of power that a Bill Cosby or Louis CK or Harvey Weinstein have been handed. They are put on such a high pedestal - our system gave them that much power (the winner take all market). So much so that it must be tough not to abuse it and wander outside basic accepted norms, or consider yourself to have God-like-untouchable qualities so that all you really need to think about is yourself.

How about this as one way to help fix our problems? Legalize sex-work. It shouldn't be a stigma or dangerous to seek out someone to help you with your sexual needs. Harvey Weinstein surely made enough cash to afford many ladies willing to help him out - same with Louis CK, and maybe even Bill Cosby. Then, their business of Comedy, or movie producing, or being in Parliament or a Senator, or WHATEVER, wouldn't need to be mixed in with their need for sexual adventure or pursuing their particular kink.

We're not saints, there's no such thing. We make the world we live in, there is no ideal way to act, just how we do act. I'm sick of the moral majority trying to shape the world according to how they think it ought to be - whether is be Social-Justice-Warriors, or Bible-Thumping-God-Fearing-Christians each proclaiming their preferences as the way it should be.

Let's really get all this shit out in the open and then let's try to come to terms with what we really are and try to make a world that we can all safely live in. Trouble is, dealing with reality is going to make a WHOLE lot of people VERY uncomfortable.

We're fucked basically.
FunInDFW's Avatar
So now Louis CK is in the Main-Stream-Media for various masturbatory perversions - so fucking what. Originally Posted by jjxxx
Yeah, you're an idiot.

Edit: woops, 23 posts since 2012. Looks like I've been bamboozled. Welcome back to your alt/voat account.
jjxxx's Avatar
  • jjxxx
  • 11-10-2017, 08:43 AM
Yeah, you're an idiot. Originally Posted by FunInDFW
Maybe I could have chosen my words more carefully. Ya - I can be an idiot, who isn't from time to time.

Edit: woops, 23 posts since 2012. Looks like I've been bamboozled. Welcome back to your alt/voat account. Originally Posted by FunInDFW
I'm not sure what my frequency of posts has to do with anything. I thought this would be the one social forum I could actually discuss the subject openly. Perhaps I'm wrong.

If you have something to say about my post besides calling me an idiot, I'd love to hear your argument.
pmdelites's Avatar
to me, it's not that many guys lust after and want to have some kind of sexual interaction w/ a woman.

it's, as you stated, "the deeper problem is that of imbalance of power."
quid pro quo - but the quid the guy is getting is more than the pro the woman is getting, if she is getting anything at all. (does the baylor footbal team scandal come to mind?)

it's a large problem w/ only local solutions.
but i hope lots of women see that coming forward w/ reports of sexual harassment, sexual abuse, rape, etc. will be met with seriousness by law enforcement.
and that they will be able to push back on attempts by guys hitting on them for "favors".
jjxxx's Avatar
  • jjxxx
  • 11-10-2017, 11:41 PM
but i hope lots of women see that coming forward w/ reports of sexual harassment, sexual abuse, rape, etc. will be met with seriousness by law enforcement.
and that they will be able to push back on attempts by guys hitting on them for "favors". Originally Posted by pmdelites
I hope so too - this is as you say, a large problem with only local solutions. As I've been reading more and more accounts from women (and men - typically homosexual encounters) this imbalance of power can sadly happen in lots of ways: A trusted family member, or uncle, older brother's friend, boss, ... the list is long.

With respect to this thread - I think FunInDFW is right, my post is a little idiotic - it was a difficult point I was trying to make and I don't think I expressed myself well, part of the problem is the ideas aren't fully thought through. Apologies to everyone for, as he said, inadvertently making this my atl/voat account. I would have just deleted the thread, but that doesn't seem to be an option - oh well, I did want discussion...
rexdutchman's Avatar
The bigger issues are the Snowflakes getting upset well about everything , just saying