It is Time To Vote: Think It Over First!

ICU 812's Avatar
Not The Party of My Father!

The Democratic party of today is not the party of our Fathers. The Democratic Party of 2020 is different from what we remember from the past . . .even the recent past.

It is not the party of Franklin Roosevelt and Harry Truman who lead us out of the Great Depression and through WW-II. It is not the party of President Kennedy or President Johnson who brought us to the Moon. It is not the party of George McGovern or Hubert Humphrey. It is not the party of President Carter who brokered a lasting peace between Israel and Egypt. None of these leaders would support or endorse the Democratic Party of today.

It is not today the party that sought to remake America through legislative programs such as The New Deal, The Great Society or The War on Poverty. It is not the party that said, " . . .ask not what your country can do for you . . ."

This is not the party of Barbara Jordan or Caesar Chavez, both of whom championed minority rights and opposed illegal immigration. The Democratic Party in 2020 is not the party of Viola Liuzzo or Medger Evers, who each died alone in the cause of civil rights. It is no longer the party of John L. Lewis who lead the march over the bridge at Selma. Nor is it the party of Ralph Abernathy, Andrew Young or Jessie Jackson, all of whom knelt over the bleeding body of Martin Luther King as he lay dying of an assassin's bullet.

This is not the party that demanded that the protections and freedoms of the Constitution and Bill of Rights be applied equally for all persons regardless of their point of view or the color of their skin . . . . and then amended The Constitution to explicitly ensure that universal application of those rights occurred.

Now, as we stand on the threshold of the third decade of the 21st Century, the Democratic Party has moved away from its' liberal roots of the late 20th Century, to become the party of avowed Marxist-Socialists such as Bill de Blasio, Alexandra Ocassio-Cortez and Bernie Sanders. The Democratic party of 2020 has endorsed and given massive financial support to violent radical groups, such as Back Lives Matter and Antifa, whose announced intention and goal is to dismantle our society through violence if necessary.

The Party has turned its back on its 20th Century liberal ideals and has instead embraced the radical legacy of Angela Davis, Stokley Carmichael and H. Rap Brown along with Bobby Seal and Abby Hoffman. This is no longer the party of Head Start or The Peace Corps. The Democrat Party has turned away from the non-violent principles of Gandhi as embraced by Dr. King. It has rather turned to the examples of the Weather Underground.

Voting has begun. Election Day is near. Now is the time to decide. It is time to decide where we stand ahe what you, as a voter stand for.

If a person is a life-long Democrat, a committed liberal, a passionate libertarian or a centrist-independent; a re-examine of what the Democratic party has demonstrated itself to stand for today is in order. They should then determine if that is what they themselves actually stand for today. Then vote accordingly.
matchingmole's Avatar
Already voted.........
winn dixie's Avatar
Didnt ya'll hear?

joey is running for the Senate

HedonistForever's Avatar
I've thought it over and while Trump would not be my first or even second choice ( at this point ), the policy differences between the two parties, is as stark and far apart as I have ever seen in my lifetime and this nominating process in the Senate that we are witnessing points this out rather remarkably. Both sides have decided that the "other side" is not merely a political opponent, but the enemy of Democracy and must not only be defeated at the polls, in the case of Democrats towards Republicans, but must be fired from their jobs and their children expressing the views of their Republican parents, must be ostracized and bullied until they are run out of school.

So I have completely given up on who the person is that represents one of the only two parties viable to us and have decided that I will concentrate on the policies each party has put forth as their objective in the coming years.

We just went through 4 years of the Democrats and the media, telling us that Trump is bad, corrupt and will destroy our Democracy because he speaks against a free press, tries to subvert the free press.

And now remarkably, stunningly on the virtual eve of the election, the two biggest social media platforms, where it is reported that maybe as much as 85% of millennials get their news, has decided that they will suppress any news that might hurt Joe Biden whether it is true or not. A story reported in the 4th largest daily market for newspapers on the possible corruption of Joe Biden has been banned not only from appearing as a news article, but you can not even discuss with your friends that you have heard this story.

This is fucking un-believable. You're going to tell someone on Facebook or Twitter what news you can or can not discuss with a friend?

Anybody remember this happening when the possible corruption of Trump was the topic of conversation, allegations not yet proven as the excuse is given by Facebook and Twitter why they won't allow any discussion of Joe Biden and possible corruption because there is no "proof" in their opinion so you will not be allowed to know about it and if you do know about it, may not discuss it on their platform?

Remarkable and stunning doesn't even begin to explain this development. Facebook and Twitter, in their attempt to help Joe Biden, has just opened a Pandora's box of problems for themselves going forward and has now elevated this story to the biggest story of the day as often happens when any media tries to suppress a story.

Notice that the Biden people are not denying outright that Biden never talked to a representative at Burisma, ( as one of our members said, so what ) only that they can find no such notation in his daily calendar of meetings. Uh, Duh! Why would such a meeting be put on his official calendar? If Biden didn't take this meeting, let him say say just like Trump and Don Jr. were forced to address whether they had taken any meetings being asked about by the media.

Why isn't every major newspaper and media in the country saying that they will investigate this story to see if the allegations are true instead of not only will we not investigate the story, we will not allow or readers to even talk about it among themselves.

Remarkable. Stunning. A threat to out Democracy. Jack Dorsey of Twitter will be subpoenaed to testify before the Senate judiciary committee next Friday on why he took this remarkable step to suppress a news story when he took no such step to suppress the same kind of story against a Republican. Hope you have a good answer Jack.
ICU 812's Avatar
I ican

So I have completely given up on who the person is that represents one of the only two parties viable to us and have decided that I will concentrate on the policies each party has put forth as their objective in the coming years.

. Originally Posted by HedonistForever
No More, No Less

The Good Company Of The US Presidents

The public discussion of policy issues; Corona Virus policy, societal racism, economic policy and international relations to name a few topics, are frequently overshadowed or distorted by one's view of President Donald Trump. This interferes with the evolution or implementation of well examined policy. One may have strong views on mandatory vaccination or carbon emission limits for vehicles, but if the person of the President is paramount in the discussion, the policy outcome may be ineffectual or at best sub-optimal..
We have had presidents in the past who, in retrospect, were open to strong criticisms much as President Trump is today.

Franklin Roosevelt was a womanizer before becoming paralyzed. He is also considered to have high-handedly violated The Constitution in many ways during The Great Depression and later during WW-II.

President Truman authorized the use of nuclear weapons, and later nationalized railroads and steel mills with federal troops.

President Kennedy had extramarital affaires while he was president, some assignations took place inside the White house.

President Nixon systematically abused power to ensure that he remained in power. Eventually heresigned before he could be impeached.

President Clinton was an a self-confessed womanizer in and out of office. He too was impeached. Eventually he was charged with perjury and disbarred.

With all that said, each of these men are today recognized for accomplishing significant things while in office.

President Trump with his personal faults, is in good company historically speaking. Let's focus on the policy discussions, not the man.
HedonistForever's Avatar
No More, No Less

The Good Company Of The US Presidents

The public discussion of policy issues; Corona Virus policy, societal racism, economic policy and international relations to name a few topics, are frequently overshadowed or distorted by one's view of President Donald Trump. This interferes with the evolution or implementation of well examined policy. One may have strong views on mandatory vaccination or carbon emission limits for vehicles, but if the person of the President is paramount in the discussion, the policy outcome may be ineffectual or at best sub-optimal..
We have had presidents in the past who, in retrospect, were open to strong criticisms much as President Trump is today.

Franklin Roosevelt was a womanizer before becoming paralyzed. He is also considered to have high-handedly violated The Constitution in many ways during The Great Depression and later during WW-II.

President Truman authorized the use of nuclear weapons, and later nationalized railroads and steel mills with federal troops.

President Kennedy had extramarital affaires while he was president, some assignations took place inside the White house.

President Nixon systematically abused power to ensure that he remained in power. Eventually heresigned before he could be impeached.

President Clinton was an a self-confessed womanizer in and out of office. He too was impeached. Eventually he was charged with perjury and disbarred.

With all that said, each of these men are today recognized for accomplishing significant things while in office.

President Trump with his personal faults, is in good company historically speaking. Let's focus on the policy discussions, not the man. Originally Posted by ICU 812

Wouldn't that be refreshing but not going to happen on this board, any major newspaper, any TV, radio or social media.

I have my doubts that more than a handful of people on this board and in general could actually intelligently participate in a policy discussion.
...."the two biggest social media platforms, where it is reported that maybe as much as 85% of millennials get their news,..."

HUGE part of of current problem in politics and concensus forming today. Not taking a side for either side here, both guilty.
ICU, I find it ironic that anyone on this board, considering the websites nature could list womanizing as a demerit. Also curious that Mr. Trump wasn't categorized as such.
ICU, in terms of the title of this thread, I presume you maintain that the Republican party is indeed "the party of my father" in your terminology?
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
That is why Brandon Straka founded the #WALKAWAY movement. He has a little theme song and video about it.

4 min

Not The Party of My Father!

The Democratic party of today is not the party of our Fathers. The Democratic Party of 2020 is different from what we remember from the past . . .even the recent past.

It is not the party of Franklin Roosevelt and Harry Truman who lead us out of the Great Depression and through WW-II. It is not the party of President Kennedy or President Johnson who brought us to the Moon. It is not the party of George McGovern or Hubert Humphrey. It is not the party of President Carter who brokered a lasting peace between Israel and Egypt. None of these leaders would support or endorse the Democratic Party of today.

It is not today the party that sought to remake America through legislative programs such as The New Deal, The Great Society or The War on Poverty. It is not the party that said, " . . .ask not what your country can do for you . . ."

This is not the party of Barbara Jordan or Caesar Chavez, both of whom championed minority rights and opposed illegal immigration. The Democratic Party in 2020 is not the party of Viola Liuzzo or Medger Evers, who each died alone in the cause of civil rights. It is no longer the party of John L. Lewis who lead the march over the bridge at Selma. Nor is it the party of Ralph Abernathy, Andrew Young or Jessie Jackson, all of whom knelt over the bleeding body of Martin Luther King as he lay dying of an assassin's bullet.

This is not the party that demanded that the protections and freedoms of the Constitution and Bill of Rights be applied equally for all persons regardless of their point of view or the color of their skin . . . . and then amended The Constitution to explicitly ensure that universal application of those rights occurred.

Now, as we stand on the threshold of the third decade of the 21st Century, the Democratic Party has moved away from its' liberal roots of the late 20th Century, to become the party of avowed Marxist-Socialists such as Bill de Blasio, Alexandra Ocassio-Cortez and Bernie Sanders. The Democratic party of 2020 has endorsed and given massive financial support to violent radical groups, such as Back Lives Matter and Antifa, whose announced intention and goal is to dismantle our society through violence if necessary.

The Party has turned its back on its 20th Century liberal ideals and has instead embraced the radical legacy of Angela Davis, Stokley Carmichael and H. Rap Brown along with Bobby Seal and Abby Hoffman. This is no longer the party of Head Start or The Peace Corps. The Democrat Party has turned away from the non-violent principles of Gandhi as embraced by Dr. King. It has rather turned to the examples of the Weather Underground.

Voting has begun. Election Day is near. Now is the time to decide. It is time to decide where we stand ahe what you, as a voter stand for.

If a person is a life-long Democrat, a committed liberal, a passionate libertarian or a centrist-independent; a re-examine of what the Democratic party has demonstrated itself to stand for today is in order. They should then determine if that is what they themselves actually stand for today. Then vote accordingly. Originally Posted by ICU 812
ICU 812's Avatar
ICU, I find it ironic that anyone on this board, considering the websites nature could list womanizing as a demerit. Also curious that Mr. Trump wasn't categorized as such. Originally Posted by reddog1951

You have misunderstood me. I assumed that everyone knows about Trump's history and character.

My point is: Trump is no better and no worse than any previous president. The exception might be Jimmy Carter. He might be the only one I would want as a neighbor or president of the Home Owner's Association.

I really wouldn't want to vote for either one based on their personality and character as each of them have demonstrated themselves to be.
Sorry if I misunderstood your point ICU. I personally can't agree about Mr. Trump being no worse. We seem to be discussing personality rather than policy, and (I always carefully label as opinion) I think his public disrespect toward other world leaders, US military, US and world scientific institutions, not to mention his opponents, either in terms of policy or elections is not befitting the office of the Presidency and besmirks the image of this great country. Sorry, but I think it speaks to the cut of the man.
I think his public disrespect toward other world leaders, US military, US and world scientific institutions, not to mention his opponents, either in terms of policy or elections is not befitting the office of the Presidency and besmirks the image of this great country. Sorry, but I think it speaks to the cut of the man. Originally Posted by reddog1951
Disrespect toward:
Other World Leaders - fuck 'em.
US Military - proven to never happened
Scientific Institutions - don't deserve respect and are so corrupt that they'd rather stack bodies than admit they're out of their depth.
Opponents - fuck 'em too.

The President is not royalty, he/she does not need to act royal. We are a country of equals. The more human, fallible, and common a President acts, the better he/she represents his people.
"The President is not royalty, he/she does not need to act royal. We are a country of equals. The more human, fallible, and common a President acts, the better he/she represents his people"

Seems to me to be a good description of Jimmy Carter.

I'll try to respond to the rest if the reactionary, poorly advised and infantile response that doesn't consider the gravity of appropriate administrative dealing with such entities in terms of our nation welfare. Testosterone storms can be dangerous. Hopefully, you suffered one; if you truly believe what you just spewed so be it.

Let's all vote for the man who promotes raising taxes
Let's vote for the man who is elderly and tired
Let's vote for a politician
Let's vote for another attorney
Let's vote for a man who chooses his running mate based on skin color

Makes sense. Got it.