Ladies, Providers please read!


First off, Im not attacking anyone personally or pointing fingers. I just wanted to bring this to attention.

Ive noticed many of you are posting alerts about gents out in the open on the boards for all people to see.

This is very dangerous. For you and for the rest of the community.

Number 1 reason why its dangerous, he could come back and attack you.
Even if you have a hotel room, how do you know this person isnt going to wait around and see what car you get into, follow you or take your license plate so on and so forth. Many different types of scenarios can occur.

It only takes one time for a person to destroy your life. Think before you blast someone out in the open. This is not a game. Your not shielded from danger because this is the internet.

Number 2 reason to not post a guys info in public. He can and probably will change his handle, number and start all over again. It makes it much harder for the new and traveling lady to screen for these type of guys.

There are many other reasons but these 2 above are the most important.

I only say this because I care.
Happy and safe adventures.

moved to co-ed ..... not an actual alert ........ tc2
I forgot to mentions there is a free National Ladies board, if you are unaware of it and would like the link, pm me.
It's always nice to see my sis"wink" looking out for others.
It's always nice to see my sis"wink" looking out for others. Originally Posted by chris_davis
Chris you don't wanna water down the ultra grade family DNA by having a fork in the family tree!!
  • Booth
  • 05-19-2010, 08:16 PM

Ive noticed many of you are posting alerts about gents out in the open on the boards for all people to see.

This is very dangerous. For you and for the rest of the community.
Originally Posted by arialemonde
I have no problem with something that is truly alert-worthy being posted in open. I understand what the op is saying somewhat but there could be situations when not posting a public alert exposes even more people to a potentially threatening situation. Using discretion when posting a public complaint can be helpful to many. Not using discretion, well, that's another topic.