I tend to agree with you normally shitheaded liberals on this idea, raising the minimum wage. You idiots get something right, occasionally. I think it ought to be about 12-15 dollars per hour, plus mandatory benefits. I pick that number because that seems to be what illegals get paid for building houses, picking crops, mowing yards, etc. I know restaurants pay less than that, and who the fuck needs a bunch of restaurants to keep getting people fatter and fatter?
Cook your own meals, mow your own yards, raise your own children, wash your own dishes, and lose weight!! We don't need a bunch of people here to provide cheap labor for lazy fatsos sitting in air conditioned offices telling people what to do.
If you are afraid of what it will do to the economy, phase it in over three years so people can start adjusting to it. Do we really need ten different fast food joints per square mile?
Do we really need for the Lexus dealerships to have 16 "porters" waiting around to fetch your car when it has had the oil changed? You people need to become more self reliant.
A guter yid darf nit kain briv, a shlechten yidden helft nit kain briv.