
edr1322's Avatar
I am so proud of the people who stood up with out blood shed to oust a dictator without other countries intervineing. I am a 30 year military man who has went to other countries to give them freedom and they wouldnt stand up for them selves. I hope all who all who died or got mangeled of injurys and have have physiolgical problems of war it was not for nothing. All the world United we Stand Dived we Fall. God Bless all My Brothers and Sisters who have fallen in COMBAT. I hope and pray this is the way to end conflicts because War is Hell only some Surive. ED God Bless All My Brothers & Sisters Here. USA 66-96 orah
The Egyptian people (and its Army) should be proud of the way they handled themselves during the monumental events in the last two weeks. Let's hope that it will lead to true democratic reforms. Of course, as we learned in the Palestinian Territory, even a free election does not always guarantee "desirable" results.