Constructive Feedback??

Blair_Fox's Avatar

I’m presently working on my site and figured I’d ask for advice from some tech / marketing savvy fellows 😘
Constructive feedback....
The font you've selected is hard to read. I guess it is supposed to be fun, different, maybe a little feminine, but I don't care for it.

On a laptop, I have to scroll down to see the content on every page. I'd shrink the top banner, arrange the links horizontally so they take up less space. The large heading "banner" with the blurred lights may be redundant & take up unnecessary screen space.

Most people view content on a mobile device, so if you software /platform has the ability to make mobile version pages, enable that.

I'd encourage you to host some of your photos on your site & not just instagram. Maybe that is in the works?

I'd make your contact number & email more visible /larger, so it stands out at the top right. I see it, but it is kinda small.
Your email address is listed within your banner pic, but since it is an image, it is not clickable -unsure if you need that on the banner pic.

The footer is good & intuitive & functional.

This is constructive feedback. You're off to a good start with a lot of typing done & necessary information on screen! I'd just polish it up a little. Good luck and kudos to you for doing it yourself!!
I don't think you will have any problems sexy!!
I've never had a site & stay busy!
You will be fine whatever you decide gorgeous!!
about page way too long. break it up into 2 to 3 pages.

Title font (Cursive) too hard to read

try reversing color - dark grey texts, pink background like ur screening page.