American Sniper

Boltfan's Avatar
Amazing movie. Sad how many outside of Texas have never heard of the story of Chris Kyle.
I can't wait to see it. Been reading how awesome it is.
Boltfan's Avatar
Eastwood is a Fantastic story teller. Having seen Kyle's mannerisms beforehand Cooper did an excellent job.
Go see it. I saw it 3 days ago and I am still feeling it.
Luke Skywalker's Avatar
I prefer American Spinners.
Mojojo's Avatar
Hand's down that was an awesome film! I thought it did great in portraying Chris Kyle's story very touching too. If you served in Iraq it definitely strikes a nerve.
  • zebra
  • 01-18-2015, 06:18 PM
Chris Kyle is the modern day US Sniper version of the decorated Vietnam War Sniper Carlos Norman Hathcock II. I am looking forward to watching this movie in the next couple of days!
hawkweed's Avatar
I just got finished reading his book recently, looking forward to watching this film.
I saw it Friday night. I've never been that touched by a movie.
What happened at the theater was a first for me.
There wasn't a peep (other than sniffles) heard during the entire show.
At the end of the show, nobody moved until the last credit was shown & the lights came up.
Even as people where leaving, still not a sound but sniffles.

Chris is a true American Hero. He wasn't in it for glory but to serve his country and fellow soldiers. The men & women who serve deserve so much more than what our government provides.
  • hd
  • 01-19-2015, 06:37 AM
When I saw Private Ryan at the theater I understood for the first time why my father never talked about WW2, so I'll have to wait till I can watch Sniper in the privacy of my home.
Agree on all accounts. Yea I'm like ER. Not a sound as walking out of theater. Never witnesses that before with no one talking and just walking out. Movie was amazing. The end gets you especially if living in DfW. Even If Eastwood would not have driven home the ending with the funeral etc, the story was amazing.
threepeckeredbillygoat's Avatar
That fat fuck tub of shit Michael Moore didn't like it. So I'm sure I'll love it.
  • EZ.
  • 01-19-2015, 08:07 AM
Agree on all accounts. Yea I'm like ER. Not a sound as walking out of theater. Never witnesses that before with no one talking and just walking out. Movie was amazing. The end gets you especially if living in DfW. Even If Eastwood would not have driven home the ending with the funeral etc, the story was amazing. Originally Posted by Jakereed
I don't usually go to war movies. I was double dating and my friends wanted to see the Deer Hunter. People walked out of that movie without talking.
Boltfan's Avatar
Agree on all accounts. Yea I'm like ER. Not a sound as walking out of theater. Never witnesses that before with no one talking and just walking out. Movie was amazing. The end gets you especially if living in DfW. Even If Eastwood would not have driven home the ending with the funeral etc, the story was amazing. Originally Posted by Jakereed
I remember seeing all those images, some on the news, some in person.
That fat fuck tub of shit Michael Moore didn't like it. So I'm sure I'll love it. Originally Posted by threepeckeredbillygoat
I thought the EXACT same thing. LOL

On a side note, I wish they would released more movies on home systems like they did The Interview.