Twilight zone at the hobby

Hi all,
So I’ve hobbied since 2015 in DFW. Due to personal circunstances, I have not post much (if at all?) but I read tons of reviews and you are so great. I have more than 60 OKs on P411 and I have met frequently with many of the best rated gals. This is just to say that what happened this week has been strange…

First, Scheduled via P411 90 min for first time encounter with high-rated lady at Incall. Her hourly rate is >4 and it looks reasonable considering current P411 scene. So the night before she txt “see you at noon… can’t wait etc” and then the next day she disappears! I mean, really, I txt confirming at 10am, asked for her address at 11am… and then at 11:30… sent IM on P411 with “hey I hope you are Ok, communication issues happen, feel free to txt no problem”. And still nothing!

Second, after dreamy BCD with ATF two weeks agoI- we know each other since 2017 and have been on a (real) first-name basis, sharing RW advice, etc. I’ve contacted her a couple of times and she just not return my calls! I mean, it is not time waster call, I would like to book lunch date + BCD at top gift. And she has been online on P411 a number of times. How come?!

Someone has been through this spell? Can’t really think I did something wrong.
Not really pissed off with MIA, just puzzled. But have to say I feel a bit ATF lovesick.
Any thoughts?
TinMan's Avatar
If you are just now recognizing you are lovesick for ATF, it’s a pretty good bet she spotted it herself recently and decided to put some space between you. Best to let it go, and if she decides she wants to see you again she will contact you.

MIA could he anything. May have something to do with you, but if you can’t think of any thing you did to spook her it’s probably something else that happened to her. Hell, I had an ATF scheduled at lunch one day, I confirmed an hour or so before, then she disappeared. I mean, I showed up at her place and it was dark. Turns out that she decided to quit the hobby and just stopped. Moved out of state and got her real estate license. I like to think I inspired her to get on with her life lol.
I saw a gal numerous times. Her in call was a few blocks from my office, so very convenient and we had really good, steamy chemistry. One day, she sends a sexy nude and then …..nothing! Wouldn’t reply to texts, wouldn’t reply to PMs, and I would still see her ads so I know she is still active. I never reviewed her, so she can’t be mad about that. Never gave her anything because I’m clean and practice safe. I’ve asked, begged, pleaded for just a simple clue as to why I was ghosted and…..nothing. For the life of me, I can’t figure it out. It’ll be a mystery. I’ve moved on but still chuckle about it from time to time. I once read a comment here that most relationships in this business can be easily discarded - everything is temporary. It’s true
TinMan's Avatar
The fact that you “asked, begged and pleaded” is probably a clue in and of itself. In my case, I just checked in once after the missed appointment and asked her to drop me a line just to let me know she was ok. She finally did, a month or so later, with the explanation I noted above.

It turns out she left another guy hanging that day as well. Just weird that she just disappeared as if she was raptured. I wasn’t totally satisfied with her explanation, but I wasn’t going to press her for any more answers. It’s the nature of the business; you can’t get too worked up when a lady decides not to continue seeing you, regardless of the reason.

The only thing we are owed is a good session for the time we paid for. Anything else is gravy.
Guys, thanks for the very detailed answers. It is good to know I am not the only one out there dealing with erratic hobby chicks
Yeah, the MIA is really her thing, really. Now I recall one nice gal - a serious and responsible single-mother - cancelled on me one hour before the meet. I checked the next day on P411 and the account went inactive. Each person with her own journey…

Regarding the love interest for the old flame (in hobby world), it was all in a good vibe, but I hear you about her wanting more space. We were getting along together the last few times. Maybe my passion came on too strong but I was following-up proposing a date we both talked about.
Maybe I blew it with the ATF but Each person is different… when I met the first ATF back in 2015 - and she became legendary here on the board - she became comfortable from the start with my enthusiasm and we became good friends in a half hobby / half real life way. I was l no sugar daddy to her - she was making a killing in the hobby - but there was a “real connection”, as they say.

All in all, I still love the hobby. Like everything in life it has its risks and disappointments, the good stuff dont come cheap but hey…I fucked women of all body types/ethnicities/countries and it was all safe sex and with mutual respect. From whatI can tell here in Dallas you have to book at 400/hour or more to have a good time.inflation, eh?
Vanilla Gorilla's Avatar
The juice ain't worth the squeeze...but you already know that.
If you are just now recognizing you are lovesick for ATF, it’s a pretty good bet she spotted it herself recently and decided to put some space between you. Best to let it go, and if she decides she wants to see you again she will contact you.

MIA could he anything. May have something to do with you, but if you can’t think of any thing you did to spook her it’s probably something else that happened to her. Hell, I had an ATF scheduled at lunch one day, I confirmed an hour or so before, then she disappeared. I mean, I showed up at her place and it was dark. Turns out that she decided to quit the hobby and just stopped. Moved out of state and got her real estate license. I like to think I inspired her to get on with her life lol. Originally Posted by TinMan
Best to let it go…absolutely. Which leads to the question… what she could say to make me want to see her again? In the RW I would probably dismiss her for good, I wonder what you think in the hobby. You might answer “the sex, duh” but then it is better to invest time and money in finding the next ATF, right?

It is the hobby version of “Going to California”, for those who dig Zeppelin ����