i remember the inflation nightmare of the 1970s. two years ago, when the dumbass keynsians at the fed called inflation "transitory" i knew they'd wait too late to raise rates. and they did. now the fed is playing catch up, but the labor market is still too strong.
I have been trying to warn people for years, but I just get called a conspiracy theorist. Powell is no goofball. What he does is on purpose; following instructions from WEF. Most of the world's governments are! Put together the covid planned pandemic, food facilities burning, land being taken from farmers in the Netherlands, Turdeau and his henchmen in Canada, Workers locked in an iPhone factory and welded into their apartments in China, The BS of electric cars. Even Dr. Robert Malone can now see the plan. They wrote it on the Georgia Guidestones!!!!!! Even those who shot the substations in NC and on the west coast recently knew exactly what they were doing. The main stream news media puts a spin on everything!!!!!
It is better to wear a tinfoil hat than a blindfold. At least with government and economics.