Raven AKA Egyptian Princess NCNS'd me...

Centaur's Avatar
I'm not quite sure if this meets the definition of NCNS. I PM'd Raven on Sunday morning with refs and my hobby #. She replied with her rates around noon, so I assumed I was screened. I called her yesterday afternoon to make sure she would still be in Austin Wednesday, and she confirmed she would and said I should call when I was ready to play. I did so, and called her at quarter to eight this evening. She answered and said 8:30 was okay. I asked her if she would text me the address of her incall...and the call abruptly ended. Not wanting to blame her for phone trouble, I texted her asking whether the call dropped or I did something wrong. She did not reply. So twenty minutes later I texted her saying that if she didn't want to see me that was fine, but would she please tell me so I can make alternate plans. Crickets.

I don't know if I spooked her with something I said or the way I said it. But if someone screens you and gives all indication she will see you, then changes her mind at the last minute when booking with another provider is difficult at best, shouldn't she at least tell you so?

Ideally I'd like her to make this right, which is why I'm putting this in co-ed and texting her that it's here. I'd like her to do one of two things.

a) Reschedule with me.
b) Tell me she's not willing to see me so I don't wonder if this is all a big misunderstanding.

Ball is in her court.

maybe she had to take a big shit all of a sudden. you know the gurgle grumbling growler type..

Centaur's Avatar
I had thought maybe her phone had died, but there's been no response to my text or PM about this thread. It was strange because of the suddenness of the hang-up, totally out of the blue after she said okay to the time I suggested. Maybe she got spooked when I politely asked her to text me the address, but I'm not sure how she would've expected me to find her incall without it. I just don't get time to hobby very often, so I missed my window yesterday evening because she led me to believe she was fine with seeing me right up until the last moment.

Hopefully she'll decide to contact me. I'm fine with cancellation. It's her choice whether or not to see me and I won't hold it against her if she's decided not to. I just want to know what's going on. If she had said I'm sorry, but I don't feel comfortable seeing you, or something to that effect, even at the last minute, then this thread wouldn't even exist. The way she handled it was very unprofessional. I'm not upset, but I am baffled.
Not really a NCNS. More like terrible TCB. But, I believe it is still worth notification. Sorry this happened. Been seeing mixed things about her.
Beagle's Avatar
Agreed. Wouldn't be an NCNS.

But here's a bump to support your cause.
Atom McDawg's Avatar
Ironically, I saw her yesterday afternoon and had a great session (review forthcoming). However the only reason I saw her was because a similar incident happened with me and Brittanyy (sp?). Had tried several times to schedule with Brit, and she confirmed 1:00... When time came around, no response to PM, no response to text, just crickets. Therefore, I looked elsewhere and found Raven/EP. One thing I've learned in the hobby is, if one door closes, move to the next. There are plenty of providers to choose from. I REALLY wanted to see Brit, but rather than waste more time, I moved on. Glad I did, cause Raven/EP worked out great!
I posted an ISO ad yesterday and had several responses from providers that I was not interested in and one that provider checked my refs then I got one PM to schedule and nothing more till this morning when I got another PM "sorry, hectic day blah blah blah". Apparently some providers do not understand that most of us have a window of opportunity to play and when its gone its gone. I still have not found a provider!
onei's Avatar
  • onei
  • 06-27-2014, 09:22 AM
I posted an ISO ad yesterday and had several responses from providers that I was not interested in and one that provider checked my refs then I got one PM to schedule and nothing more till this morning when I got another PM "sorry, hectic day blah blah blah". Apparently some providers do not understand that most of us have a window of opportunity to play and when its gone its gone. I still have not found a provider! Originally Posted by backitup
I'm not defending anyone here, but just as you have a life outside the hobby, so do they. Some days just don't work out. When that happens, I just move on and keep my $. Sure it can be frustrating at times, but that's life.
Centaur's Avatar
I only wanted to solve the mystery. Over the years I've had a couple of providers flake on me when a scheduled appointment came around. I've never before now had one simply hang up mid-conversation. It was just weird.

Thanks, Beagle.

I'm not defending anyone here, but just as you have a life outside the hobby, so do they. Some days just don't work out. When that happens, I just move on and keep my $. Sure it can be frustrating at times, but that's life. Originally Posted by onei
Granted, but it's still unprofessional. I have a life outside of work. But if I treated my clients unprofessionally, I'd lose business. And while I fully realize she is probably not hurting for business, nor would I want her to, I did hope that some sense of professionalism or even simply common courtesy would prevail.
fun2come's Avatar
One pattern I see is age (could be applied here) ... the other (GPS) ...

Everybody is a bit extra alert (nervous) right now and understandably so. So I have moved on past both mentioned here.

Stay Safe, Have Fun !
onei's Avatar
  • onei
  • 06-27-2014, 10:37 AM
Granted, but it's still unprofessional. I have a life outside of work. But if I treated my clients unprofessionally, I'd lose business. And while I fully realize she is probably not hurting for business, nor would I want her to, I did hope that some sense of professionalism or even simply common courtesy would prevail. Originally Posted by Centaur
I agree, and my statement was not directed to you. I would have acted just as you did.
One pattern I see is age (could be applied here) ... the other (GPS) ...

Everybody is a bit extra alert (nervous) right now and understandably so. So I have moved on past both mentioned here.

Stay Safe, Have Fun ! Originally Posted by fun2come

Agreed. Most reviews I am seeing of her are CBJ & only half hours.
Centaur's Avatar
Well, it has been three days and, unsurprisingly, she has offered no explanation for why she waited until the last possible moment to hang up on me. It will have to remain a mystery. At a guess, she may have been skittish with all the LE crap going down. I can't blame her for that. Safety trumps even professionalism, though clearly responding to this thread would have been the safe and honorable way to amend behavior that was unprofessional but understandable if in fact was out of safety concerns.

Why she might have thought a client with recent reliable references, P411 okays and 30 reviews over four years was a risk, I will never know. Why she didn't lift a finger to answer this thread with a simple I felt uncomfortable or whatever else it was, I will never know.

My time was wasted, but what's done is done and next week I'll be more careful who I set aside time to see. Providers have their time wasted frequently by NCNS's (though never by me, I emphasize) so if they can chalk it up to a cost of doing business then so can I.

I've said my piece, noted her unprofessional behavior and given her an opportunity to address her reasons for it in whatever terms suited her.
VictoriaLyn's Avatar
Well, it has been three days and, unsurprisingly, she has offered no explanation for why she waited until the last possible moment to hang up on me. It will have to remain a mystery. At a guess, she may have been skittish with all the LE crap going down. I can't blame her for that. Safety trumps even professionalism, though clearly responding to this thread would have been the safe and honorable way to amend behavior that was unprofessional but understandable if in fact was out of safety concerns.

Why she might have thought a client with recent reliable references, P411 okays and 30 reviews over four years was a risk, I will never know. Why she didn't lift a finger to answer this thread with a simple I felt uncomfortable or whatever else it was, I will never know.

My time was wasted, but what's done is done and next week I'll be more careful who I set aside time to see. Providers have their time wasted frequently by NCNS's (though never by me, I emphasize) so if they can chalk it up to a cost of doing business then so can I.

I've said my piece, noted her unprofessional behavior and given her an opportunity to address her reasons for it in whatever terms suited her. Originally Posted by Centaur

Its unfortunate she didn't respond esp since she was online at the time you made the original post...her loss

I'd be happy to give you a special to make up for your wasted time as ncns suck
sixxbach's Avatar
Closed per OP request since there has been no response from Egyptian Princess
