Fake Appointments

Cheyenne Ryder's Avatar
I hope the more east I get, the better it gets and not the opposite.
Literally have had 2 ncns today in MS. Lol.
I'll never understand the point of making an appointment with a reputable provider if you're just going to ghost..??
Lol idk I've never really had this issue back home in texas.
But this will definitely be my first and last trip to Mississippi!
It always freaks me out when people do that. Especially after I send the address.
Its just extremely creepy. Just makes me wonder what their end game truly is. 🤷🏼
Pangolier's Avatar
This happens all the time, all over the world, and it happens for multiple reasons. I think you might be able to minimize the frequency if you look into the history of your potential clients before accepting an appointment.

If you are referring to incall, you could always require the individual to meet you somewhere like the hotel lobby before inviting them back to the room, though this risks potential discretion issues with the hotel staff. But, I would suggest never giving out your room number unless you can ascertain they have parked / arrived at the building. If you are hosting incall at a residence you are pretty much out of luck there.
It all part of the hobby. Hobbiests lie, hobbiests play games! Providers get a phone call from a regular after scheduling you and cancel, or worse ghost. Providers line up hobbiests knowing one or two will no show.

Its all part of the game. The good hobbiest gain a reputation as being fair and low drama. The bad hobbiests get banned and start a new handle.

Stick to long time well Reviewed hobbiests/providers who participate in the communityand the problems you are experiencing will go down significantly.
In general, I would say hookers and clients are an unreliable bunch to begin with - throw in another group who are generally dishonest and that's a whole 'nother issue.

Kinda like provider showcases... some are honest/reliable, some aren't!
I totally despise this type of behavior. This is one of the most disrespectful things you can do to another human being imo.

I have never understood this in any way, shape or form. I get that life happens sometimes and plans can suddenly change. So send a simple "sorry babe, I can't make it today" message. That took what -- all of 10 seconds to compose.

Always be respectful of the other party involved. Always.
Randall Creed's Avatar
Yeah, I hear ya. Sucks.

If for some reason I couldn't make it after getting the address, I'll PM or text saying I couldn't, just so you wouldn't be expecting me to show.

I'm sure this is why ladies save the room number until the guy is in the parking lot...which is understandable.
Solemate62's Avatar
This is the age old refrain of he does it and she does it and it happens in every State so no sense dumping on MS. Last week I had a romp set up with a woman based in AR, planning a trip into Tulsa. So, it was all set up for last Tuesday, the 21st. Four days out I text her to say that I was counting on her and I was going to postpone a four day special college course at a local institution. She replied that she was ‘110%’ sure she would be keeping our appointment. So, it gets to be 10am that morning and no word from her. Being an aged veteran of this game I made a quick contact with a local and young woman looking to make a good name for herself, and, she will. She was great. Now, the day AFTER my NCNS, Miss Arkansas has the balls to PM me to say she had an ‘emergency’ and would text me in the future when she was coming over to Tulsa. My reply: “No, don’t bother.” Bottom line, happens all over, happens to us all, regardless of gender, and it is always a bitch when it does, but seems it is one sorry aspect of our Hobby! The veteran guy or gal in the Hobby reflects back to that classic Sonny and Cher song, “The Beat Goes on” then he, or she makes that next appointment and hopes it is a winner!
I have had several providers do the same!
Randall Creed's Avatar
In fairness, I've been in a parking lot or two, waiting for a room number, aaaaaand...radio silence.

Yep, definitely has gone both ways before.

We must all do better.
I have been to a parking lot before and freaked out by people walking around there or in LE looking vehicles with weirdos inside.

You are headed the wrong direction though babydoll, you needed to bring your fine self west to me in Baton Rouge or New Orleans!!
Wile E Coyote's Avatar
I disagree with just leaving because you are freaked out. You have to contact the provider and let her know. I do not think LE will think you are a john if you are talking on the phone!

Happens all the time on both sides. That is the cost of being in the hobby. Only thing you can do is report those who NCNS.
Thats a good point WEC, not an excuse to leave without a call.
Randall Creed's Avatar
Lol, believe it or not, I've actually walked past cops into a notel going to an appt.

Crazy, I know, but my Spidey senses weren't going off. I could clearly see that they were there to arrest or deal with somebody else (there was some interactions going on in the lobby). I just minded my own business and walked on by like....yeah, I'll be in Room 307, banging some hot chick. If you guys need me, just let me know.

Of course, there had been other times where my Spidey senses had the needle bouncing, and I bailed...but I did let her know I wasn't comfortable. Even with that, I've been reassured by her that everything was cool...and went back, and ended up having a good time (even sharing a laugh or two about the whole thing).

Point is, communication is key.

That said, it's harder to get the girl to come back when her vibes are tripping. Maybe I'm foolhardy brave. ...or just have good Spidey senses (knock on wood).
I made an appointment with a provider on Wed., for a date on Thurs.
But my employer had other ideas for me. I had to drive an hour to get to work, then work 12 hours.
Then shower and drive over an hour to meet for our date.
I wanted so hard to cancel, I was a tired mother fucker. But I didn't want to get a bad reputation with just 1 lady. I may need her for a reference at another time. So, I bit the bullet and hooked up. Tired old man and a young hot chick. But it was worth it.
I’ve had providers cancel at the last minute more than once. So it happens on both sides. I let it slide; stuff happens.