The economy is not getting better! is it?

Af-Freakin's Avatar
unemployment dropped AGAIN 2 8.2%. LOL! President Obama's economic plan is work just in time 4 the reelection. LOL!
LovingKayla's Avatar
Awwwww he's getting spoon fed again. You guys are just too good.

(I know I slapped my head and shook it too.)
I B Hankering's Avatar
Job growth of around 120,000 is just about enough to keep up with population growth, and is therefore more like "treading water" than a major improvement, Owens said.

Meanwhile, the unemployment rate fell to 8.2% as the labor force shrank by 164,000 workers, mostly due to white women leaving the job market.

thrdbase's Avatar
Also part of the data released...unemployment rate fell because thousands have timed out of unemployment benefits...which is what they use to come up with 8.2%. Real unemployment is closer to 16-18%. This week nearly 89 million (eligible) Americans are out of work...highest number ever.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Yes, 8.2% is numbers that have been massaged beyond recognition and there is no happy ending. Gallup has put the real numbers at over 15%. Even the math agrees with the number of people entering the work force over the last four years minus the people who left the work force and you get a the 89 million people under or unemployed.