How much more evidence do you need?

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
So far we have heard that OWS is training a hundred thousand people to lead protests this summer, we have also been told that the protests will probably be more violent, the leaders(?) of the democratic party have still not disavowed this movement, SEIU has allied themselves with OWS, and now [drum roll] former Czar announces an American Arab Spring coming soon to a city near you.

Lets see; an election year, an administration under assault for wrong doings and incompetence, and now we can expect confusion, violence, and assaults on our liberties.

Are you ready?
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 04-06-2012, 12:35 PM
well, I suppose as long as we've been told ..

problem being, youre selective believing what youve been told
JDB I did not even know about this. But I knew it was coming because this is what THEY do. DISTRACTIONS...

Do you think CJ7 and his Rainbow people will attend?
joe bloe's Avatar
So far we have heard that OWS is training a hundred thousand people to lead protests this summer, we have also been told that the protests will probably be more violent, the leaders(?) of the democratic party have still not disavowed this movement, SEIU has allied themselves with OWS, and now [drum roll] former Czar announces an American Arab Spring coming soon to a city near you.

Lets see; an election year, an administration under assault for wrong doings and incompetence, and now we can expect confusion, violence, and assaults on our liberties.

Are you ready? Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Obama campaigned for Raila Odinga in 2006 when he ran for president of Kenya. Odinga promised to convert Kenya to sharia law if he won. He lost the election by a close margin and claimed that the vote count was rigged. His followers engaged in massive violence after the election, including burning fifty people alive in a church. It was so bad that Kenya was forced to share power with Odinga in order to stop the violence.

Odinga's tactic of aquiring power through violence is something I think Obama might try under the right circumstances. If Obama won the popular vote in the upcoming presidential election and lost the Electoral College vote, I think there would be serious violence in the big cities orchestrated by Acorn, CAIR, SEIU, OWS and other socialist/Marxist front groups.
waverunner234's Avatar
Obama campaigned in 2006 when he ran for president of Kenya. Originally Posted by joe bloe
Wow, I really didn't know Obama ran for president of Kenya. How come the media never found that out?
I'm sure Sean Hannity would have made raw meat of him if he only knew.
But, on the other hand, Sean Hannity is stupidity at large so why should I be surprised about that.

But thanks for letting us know anyways

joe bloe's Avatar
Wow, I really didn't know Obama ran for president of Kenya. How come the media never found that out?
I'm sure Sean Hannity would have made raw meat of him if he only knew.
But, on the other hand, Sean Hannity is stupidity at large so why should I be surprised about that.

But thanks for letting us know anyways

Originally Posted by waverunner234

Another feeble attempt at humor. You edited my quote. You may have a future in journalism. NBC news loves that kind of trickery.

Obviously, I wasn't saying that Obama ran for president of Kenya. You left out the phrase "for Raila Odinga" when you misquoted me. Do you not find it interesting that your man Obama campaigned for a violent thug that supported sharia law? Why not try defending Obama against legitimate criticism instead of making lame jokes? Oh, I know it's because you can't.

The problem with the left is you people are morally bankrupt. You point out to a socialist/Democrat that Obama supported killing newborn babies by opposing the born alive act, and they say, yeh, so what's your point?
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Yes, the Kenya story was known but our media refused to cover it. Read the Internationa Herald Tribune out of London for more news. Senator Barack Obama did campaign for his somewhat cousin Odinga but he lost. Senator Obama "Kenya's famous son" went on the radio and told the people of Kenya that the election was a fraud. International observers said otherwise but Obama is famous. The population rioted and a lot of churchs were burned with a loss of life. Theh perpertrators were muslim Odinga supporters. So you can truthfully say that Obama lied and people Kenya. After a month of rioting Senator Obama went on the radio with the idea of power sharing. The loser, his cousin, would share power with the winner in order to stop the violence that the loser was responsible for. A thing to note; when Odinga was running for office he promised to institute Sharia law in Kenya.
From 2008;
Who is Rail Odinga:
More if you can stomach it:
Destroying a democracy (Kenyan):
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 04-06-2012, 03:45 PM
better yet, other than the obvious "what if bullshit" whats the point of comparing an African election to an American election.

I wouldnt worry to much about street riots from the left, with Romney as the GOP candidate the Harry Reid Effect is in full swing.

waverunner234's Avatar
You edited my quote. I would NEVER do that
You may have a future in journalism. Great, I knew it

Obviously, I was saying that Obama ran for president of Kenya. when you quoted me. I know, that's exactly what I said
Originally Posted by joe bloe
So what's your problem?
joe bloe's Avatar
Yes, the Kenya story was known but our media refused to cover it. Read the Internationa Herald Tribune out of London for more news. Senator Barack Obama did campaign for his somewhat cousin Odinga but he lost. Senator Obama "Kenya's famous son" went on the radio and told the people of Kenya that the election was a fraud. International observers said otherwise but Obama is famous. The population rioted and a lot of churchs were burned with a loss of life. Theh perpertrators were muslim Odinga supporters. So you can truthfully say that Obama lied and people Kenya. After a month of rioting Senator Obama went on the radio with the idea of power sharing. The loser, his cousin, would share power with the winner in order to stop the violence that the loser was responsible for. A thing to note; when Odinga was running for office he promised to institute Sharia law in Kenya.
From 2008;
Who is Rail Odinga:
More if you can stomach it:
Destroying a democracy (Kenyan): Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn

That's very interesting. I didn't realize that Obama fanned the flames of violence after the election. It's amazing that this story has gotten practically no coverage. It's like the old adage of, does a tree falling in the forest make a sound if there's no one there to hear it. If main stream media doesn't cover the story, did it really happen?

Stalin murdered seven million Ukraines in 1932 by starvation. The New York Times had the story and spiked it. The next year the Time's Soviet correspondant (Walter Duranty) got the Pulitzer Prize for his coverage of the Soviet Union.
better yet, other than the obvious "what if bullshit" whats the point of comparing an African election to an American election.

I wouldnt worry to much about street riots from the left, with Romney as the GOP candidate the Harry Reid Effect is in full swing.

lol Originally Posted by CJ7
joe bloe's Avatar
So what's your problem? Originally Posted by waverunner234

Your level of "wit" is ten year old schoolyard humor. I know you are but what am I? I'm rubber. You're glue..... You obviously haven't progressed beyond toilet humor.
Actually, Obama is the President of Kenya. This fact has been suppressed by the main stream media as part of their joint conspiracy with the Obama administration to take over the world and force all the conservabots to become vegans and drive cars that run on vegetable oil.

Another little known fact is that Kenyans for Conservatism are trying to recall him because he was born in the United States and isn't eligible to serve as Kenyan president.

You guys are high.....
joe bloe's Avatar
Actually, Obama is the President of Kenya. This fact has been suppressed by the main stream media as part of their joint conspiracy with the Obama administration to take over the world and force all the conservabots to become vegans and drive cars that run on vegetable oil.

Another little known fact is that Kenyans for Conservatism are trying to recall him because he was born in the United States and isn't eligible to serve as Kenyan president.

You guys are high..... Originally Posted by timpage
This is an Alinsky tactic. If you can't refute the argument, ridicule your opponent.
they wish that they could take over the occupy movement, they have tried to infiltrate. check out there is no obama love, the majority are supporting ron paul