From Powerlineblog and PJTV.....

PJTV’s Scott Ott carries out an entertaining undercover investigation: he goes to the offices of several groups that denounce voter identification laws as unconstitutional suppression of minority votes, etc., and tries to get in to see someone. Sure enough: they all require identification, including the Department of Justice, which has sued to invalidate voter identification laws. You have a constitutional right to petition for redress of grievances, but if you want to see Eric Holder or anyone else at the the Department of Justice to explain your grievance, you need a photo ID.

As we noted here, perhaps the ultimate instance of this hypocrisy was when Eric Holder went to the LBJ Library in Texas to rail against that state’s voter ID law, which DOJ sued to invalidate shortly thereafter. Sure enough: you couldn’t get in to see Holder denounce identification requirements as racist unless you had a photo ID.

So check out Ott’s video; you’ll enjoy it.
LovingKayla's Avatar
That's pretty damn funny.
joe bloe's Avatar
It's so obvious that the Demonrats just want to continue massive voter fraud. Photo ID is a no brainer. Public opinion polls show huge support for it.

The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 72% of Likely U.S. Voters believe voters should be required to show photo identification such as a driver’s license before being allowed to vote
What other issue in America garners 70%+ support??
joe bloe's Avatar
What other issue in America garners 70%+ support?? Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Stopping illegal immigration gets similar support; the Demonrats are against that too!
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 04-06-2012, 06:23 PM
Stopping illegal immigration gets similar support; the Demonrats are against that too! Originally Posted by joe bloe

oh puuuuhhhhleeeezeee

immigration laws didnt change one iota when the republicans had the entire government at their disposal for 6 fucking years did they?
joe bloe's Avatar
oh puuuuhhhhleeeezeee

immigration laws didnt change one iota when the republicans had the entire government at their disposal for 6 fucking years did they? Originally Posted by CJ7
You're right. I think the Demonrats want open borders with Mexico to get the votes and the Republicans probably want the cheap labor to make big business happy.

Republican party leaders are also terrified that Hispanics will turn into a permanent block vote like the blacks. George W was terrible on the border; comprehensive immigration reform was essentially amnesty.
Yep, another reason why Bush JR was one of our worst.....

You're right. I think the Demonrats want open borders with Mexico to get the votes and the Republicans probably want the cheap labor to make big business happy.

Republican party leaders are also terrified that Hispanics will turn into a permanent block vote like the blacks. George W was terrible on the border; comprehensive immigration reform was essentially amnesty. Originally Posted by joe bloe
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 04-06-2012, 06:38 PM
GW was worse than terrible ... he spent billions of dollars of taxpayers $$ on a fucking fence thats as inept at its purpose as he was president ..

all this we want NEW laws to fix the problem astound a thinking human ...

the political ephipany ... lets make some new laws because we cant enforce the laws on the books.

thrdbase's Avatar
From Powerlineblog and PJTV.....

PJTV’s Scott Ott carries out an entertaining undercover investigation: he goes to the offices of several groups that denounce voter identification laws as unconstitutional suppression of minority votes, etc., and tries to get in to see someone. Sure enough: they all require identification, including the Department of Justice, which has sued to invalidate voter identification laws. You have a constitutional right to petition for redress of grievances, but if you want to see Eric Holder or anyone else at the the Department of Justice to explain your grievance, you need a photo ID.

As we noted here, perhaps the ultimate instance of this hypocrisy was when Eric Holder went to the LBJ Library in Texas to rail against that state’s voter ID law, which DOJ sued to invalidate shortly thereafter. Sure enough: you couldn’t get in to see Holder denounce identification requirements as racist unless you had a photo ID.

So check out Ott’s video; you’ll enjoy it. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Classic!!! Hilarious but depressing about what's going on with this administration.
GW was worse than terrible ... he spent billions of dollars of taxpayers $$ on a fucking fence thats as inept at its purpose as he was president ..

all this we want NEW laws to fix the problem astound a thinking human ...

the political ephipany ... lets make some new laws because we cant enforce the laws on the books.

eos Originally Posted by CJ7
You are a IDIOT.
There is no "massive voter fraud"....just the excuse the repukes use to try to suppress the democratic vote with the voter ID law that we've somehow managed to get along without forever.

Whirly, you think maybe the requirement for an ID at the DOJ and other governmental functions relates to security? Oh, wait...I used the word "think" and "Whirly" in the same sentence. Never mind.
You should be required to show id when you register too. I wonder at these rallys how many people have registered Trayvon Martin.
I think showing ID at the DOJ serves multiple purposes; including identifying that you are who you say you are............something that Holder, Obama and you (I guess) don't want in our voting precincts!

Showing ID at the voting booth is about SECURITY. Secure in knowing that we are having a fair election in which voter fraud is minimized and candidates don't cheat the system and electorate. Again, something that Holder, Obama and you (I guess) don't want in our voting precincts!

There is no "massive voter fraud"....just the excuse the repukes use to try to suppress the democratic vote with the voter ID law that we've somehow managed to get along without forever.

Whirly, you think maybe the requirement for an ID at the DOJ and other governmental functions relates to security? Oh, wait...I used the word "think" and "Whirly" in the same sentence. Never mind. Originally Posted by timpage
In the 30 states that have some form of Voter ID laws; vote totals have increased since the date that the ID laws went into effect. Voter ID laws DO NOT suppress voting.