Mike Wallace, a giant of journalism, is dead at 93.

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
One of the old lions has passed on. He famously interviewed some of the most difficult, dangerous, assholes in our times.

joe bloe's Avatar
May he rest in peace. I'll refrain from saying anything else. It's Easter.
TheDaliLama's Avatar
93 eh?

The guy was asking for it.
Roothead's Avatar
at age 93, he really did have a great life I'd say....hell of a journalist - always loved when he caught someone in a red-faced lie........ to bad that in his case, the apple fell far off center from the tree..... IMHO of course
pyramider's Avatar
You knew if you were the subject of a 60 minutes interview as Wallace showed up you were in too deep.
RIP King of Ambush Journalism. A lowly nation turns its eyes to you Geraldo.

And yet, somehow, Don Rickles still walks the planet.
pantsontheground's Avatar
Mike Wallace was a.fucking scumbag. I enjoyed the interview in which Morgan freeman put him in his.place.