Oops ....

SexiLexiSparks's Avatar
Hello everyone. I did an oopsy last night. I should have stuck to my first answer. I actually fell asleep waiting on someone to show at 4.30am.

I should have stuck with my first answer when I said at 3.30 if i stay up any longer ill be sleep. But he replied back that he was 15min away so I then said ok ill wait up and get back dressed.

Well this is the down fall spiral....he then says something like he wont get off til 4.30am have to clean. Not wanting to go back and forth with my words since I said ill be up I tried to stick in there. And lo and behold I fall asleep. I even drank a little coffee.

Oops...I guess it happens to the best of us. I never just stayed up that late and im never trying that again.

Just wanted to apologize to him. And he know who he is. :-)

Hes pretty upset.
A discounted hour since I fell asleep missing his quick visit appt should suffice or no? Any suggestions?

Well happy holidays and happy hobbying!
  • KylaD
  • 12-20-2014, 09:23 AM
You sound like me lol I cannot stay up late! But this apology is pretty nice and offering a discounted session is nice as well. We are all human after a certain time our bodies take control and say "Forget your plans, I'm going to sleep".
All you can do is apologize and offer some discount. If that is not acceptable, so be it.
Gimmeallten$'s Avatar
All you can do is apologize and offer some discount. If that is not acceptable, so be it. Originally Posted by blaeese
Now that's the definition of a late night booty call, or early morning. Dam Lexi that booty is so juicy and big Im surprised he ain't sleep in the parking lot waiting on you to wake. yeah he'll be mad for a little while then get over it. Stuff happens.
aubie79's Avatar
Well then he really wasn't 15 minutes away at 3:30 like he said & he knew it. You're being generous with your offer and he should get over it.
200K's Avatar
  • 200K
  • 12-20-2014, 11:23 AM
It's unrealistic for a guy to expect ladies to be available 24/7.

We are not machines, so gotta sleep sometime!
You said he was "pretty upset"..It's annoying for sure but a life-changing, terribly angry response on his part sounds ridiculous to me. A sincere apology from you sounds like more than enough. I never offer specials or discounts, for any reason. You're worth more than that lil' lady!
TinMan's Avatar
It would be enough for me. Hopefully, he recognizes how difficult it is for most people not accustomed to keeping those hours to remain awake that late (or early), and the offer of the discount should be enough to satisfy most men.
You said he was "pretty upset"..It's annoying for sure but a life-changing, terribly angry response on his part sounds ridiculous to me. A sincere apology from you sounds like more than enough. I never offer specials or discounts, for any reason. You're worth more than that lil' lady! Originally Posted by Maggie_May
You have amazing boobs, that's all. =)
SexiLexiSparks's Avatar
Thanks everyone for all the feed back. I didn't want to leave a bad impression since I did fall asleep but I can say I really tried staying up.

I know next time don't try that again. When its past my bed time learn how to just go to sleep. Surely don't want to over do myself!

Again I appreciate all of your remarks. It's gives much reassurance!

Happy holidays and happy hobbying!
  • jwood
  • 12-20-2014, 06:23 PM
You have amazing boobs, that's all. =) Originally Posted by Nina Moretti
What Nina said
pyramider's Avatar
You have amazing boobs, that's all. =) Originally Posted by Nina Moretti

What about her taint?

What was the fucktard pissing about? Memorable escapades happen when people are asleep ...
Shit happens...he will get over it...lol
L.A.'s Avatar
  • L.A.
  • 12-20-2014, 09:06 PM
Dang....I'm waking up at 4:30. I do good to stay awake until 11pm.

If you feel you were at fault then an offer for a discount is appropriate
If he doesn't want the discount you can give it to me.
DownForWhatever's Avatar
Kudos for stepping up and owning it.

Shit happens...especially at 3:30am.