"Camel Toe" clothes

I have been noticing a lot more clothes that are form-fitting.

Clothes are getting more snug (by design) but people's waistline are getting bigger. They seem to go on opposite direction. (Maybe designers are trying to save on material cost)

Gym wear are getting more and more snug, leaving very little to the imagination. No wonder guys have to wear baggy pants at the gym to hid their excitement.

Recently, I notice a lot of women wearing pants are are snug-fit, esp. around their hmm... crotch area, and this being outside of the gym.

When I go shopping at the mall during the holiday season, I notice the trend has trickled down to young women, and even to teeny boppers too.

Not sure if I like this trend ... i am sure i will get blasted for liking or hating.

Just an observation.

Yeah, I must be old fashion. (Pun intended)
whitechocolate's Avatar
It certainly looks hottt in the gym. Some women have well developed labia which really stand out very nicely. It is erotic beauty that celebrates the female form
2 words..."Yoga Pants". They're not just for ass!
WalkerTx's Avatar
And I doni't know who came up with the idea of Yoga pants, but I want to shake his or her hand !!

Yes Baby Jeevus!!
threepeckeredbillygoat's Avatar
But everyone should know the difference between camel toe and moose knuckle. Do not confuse the two.

WOMBAT's Avatar

  • Gbfsl
  • 12-24-2014, 07:48 PM
As you might be able to tell from my avitar collection, I am a major fan of a nice camel toe shot. I wish more providers would include a nice shot like these in their portfolios. Most guys I talk to are like me and think it is hot. Just sayin.
Brick Tamland's Avatar
Love the cameltoe!