Laptop/computer issue

Toolman54's Avatar
I have a 2-month old Dell Ultrabook. I'm getting inconsistent results when I play videos (yeah, porn sometimes ... of course). Some videos play great, other videos will start, then stop. I visit sites like Xhamster and the video will "refresh" after a few minutes, but always stop at 2%.

Any thoughts/help/suggestions folks?
Update your video drivers. If its a site that is 100% safe, like a major news site, then turn off your fire wall ONLY as long as it takes to see if that is the problem. If it is your firewall, DO NOT LEAVE IT OFF. Reinstall your software to fix it before trying anything else. Do an internet speed test. See you ISP website for one. Reboot your modem and router to see if that will help.

Post the results of the above If you still need help. And consider using the technical forum for this kind of help in the future.
theboss21422's Avatar
Think u need a higher capacity modem 300 is recommended for playback in such, or u have to many devices working off the network, turn something off it should work better, or ur laptop is running on 1gig of memory then u just need to upgrade
Toolman54's Avatar
This problem has only surfaced recently. Didn't have a problem when I first got this laptop.
Thanks for the suggestions.
De frag it...

And your processor probably sucks....
Wheretonow's Avatar
Check your startup files to see if something weird may have been added and clean up you're registry files.
shortblkguy's Avatar
Are the videos Adobe flash based "?, if so you may try updating your flash player
Also install anti-malware from This is one of the few products that is designed to work with an anti-virus program already installed. It will find lots of stuff most anti-virus programs will miss. Other than this product do NOT install and run more than one anti-virus product at the same time as they can and will interfere with each other and can cause more problems.