Encounter: Columbian Rack & Bumper Sophia at Just Relax Spa

User ID:provider eccie member # goes here - UC
Date: 7/28/2022
Name: Sophia <--provider name goes here - UC
Phone: 737-281-4240
Email Address: N/A
URL / Website: N/A
State: Texas
Address: Corner of South 1st and St Elmo
Activities: Lite Touch Relaxation, Teasing, L1,2,3, Massage Traditional Medium Pressure, Massage B2B, LK, Mish., Good Doggie, DATYummy Taco Stand.
Hair Length and Color: Mid back, Black
Age: Late 20's Early Mid 30's
Smoking Status: I Couldn't Tell
Ethnic Background: Hispanic
Physical Description: Black Hair. Full Rack, D+, Full Round Columbian Hispanic Bumper,
Big Eyes, Pretty Smile. Small hour glass cut waist.
Recommendation: Yes
Originally Posted by takedacannoli
Originally Posted by takedacannoli
Veterans, please help me out here I don't know if I can mention the range of tips we discussed for services in the room. I can tell you to be on the safe side just because I don't want to get in trouble for quoting actual numbers, that she was negotiable depending upon the three levels.
I walked away VERY happy and didn't pay more than what we are accustomed to as the average in the market not the new average, not the trending average that has been discussed here about some shops raising their prices. Sophia is not at that price level right now if you tell her you are short of cash.
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
Private tags are used for a handful of things, but what were those?
I've only one cup of coffee so far this morn.
Ignoring house fee, do not be surprised if different gals have different service levels and different rates
All of that, discussion on ROS items and responses to stuff in someone else's private tags are all premium content so private tags are required.
Kimchi's Avatar

See my other post ref same question.
Ok. Got it. Private tags are available to be seen only by premium reviewers, is that. Correct?
nativetexan2708's Avatar
Ok. Got it. Private tags are available to be seen only by premium reviewers, is that. Correct? Originally Posted by lick1fuck1
That is correct. I've never understood all the code used here.
Guest11704's Avatar
She not Columbian she’s Mexican.
Yes....it was.
Guest11704's Avatar
She literally told me she is from Mexico. 你是个骗子
That is correct. I've never understood all the code used here.
Originally Posted by nativetexan2708
Yes it is....All in...
Keyzer Soze's Avatar
It's Colombian, not Columbian, pet peeve of mine. Colobia is a country in So.America, Columbia is unversity, along with several cities, throughout the country.
User ID:provider eccie member # goes here - UC
Date: 7/28/2022
Name: Sophia <--provider name goes here - UC
Phone: 737-281-4240
Email Address: N/A
URL / Website: N/A
State: Texas
Address: Corner of South 1st and St Elmo
Activities: Lite Touch Relaxation, Teasing, L1,2,3, Massage Traditional Medium Pressure, Massage B2B, LK, Mish., Good Doggie, DATYummy Taco Stand.
Hair Length and Color: Mid back, Black
Age: Late 20's Early Mid 30's
Smoking Status: I Couldn't Tell
Ethnic Background: Hispanic
Physical Description: Black Hair. Full Rack, D+, Full Round Columbian Hispanic Bumper,
Big Eyes, Pretty Smile. Small hour glass cut waist.
Recommendation: Yes Originally Posted by lick1fuck1
I read a lot of the old reviews that had big readership numbers in the far right column and found this one about Sophia at Just Relax Spa.
The date was old enough on it that I thought I better call the store to make sure she was working there. They said it was my lucky day! That she wasn't there yet but that she was going to be there this afternoon or this evening after 3:00 p.m.
I called one more time after 3:00 p.m. to confirm that she was there. They said she was putting her dress on right now. I asked for an appointment but they told me they don't take appointments and just to walk in and if I could be there in 10 minutes they would have her wait for me. I told them I'd hurry and I did and I got there and was met by the Mexican woman described in the review above me. This isn't the place to write a full detailed review but the manager there told me she was extremely popular and had been gone for a long time and that I was very lucky to be there on the first day that she came back and have the first appointment with her. She was everything that the review said and more. This was my first time with an extremely curvy Latina and I was very very happy with the result. Since the other reviewer gave her a great review which was extremely accurate and aligned with my experience today. I won't go into the details here or write another encounter report. It was good enough though to say that I'll be back for sure to see Sophia again soon.