Another Under-Reported Gem: Chloe from Florida

Hobby1750's Avatar

If you hobby to see beautiful college-age girls, then you hobby to see Chloe. She's very, very, very pretty: blond hair, blue eyes, perfect smile, amazing plush lips. Early twenties.

The pictures are accurate, and really her. A++ Better Business Bureau J-Rating. Plus, plenty of sweet lip kissing. She's bubbly, friendly, sexy and compliant. Exactly as a girl should be.

I look on STG just about every day, and what's usually available: hag trash; former street-walker trash; obese trash; nasty foot-long-gash-vagina trash; tranny trash; granny trash; fake euro trash.

But every once in a while, a genuine gem appears: young, pretty, normal - a girl you can take in public and not have the this-is-going-to-be-a-fucking-disaster feeling.

Either most guys prefer the assortment of trash, or they just keep the gems to themselves, but it seems these girls usually go under-reported. Yes, I know she has a few reviews, but considering the garbage-bags that get twenty positive reviews, and wildly raved about, it's bewildering the young gems barely get any.

So yes, Chloe from Florida is a definite recommend. $150/hh, $200/hr.

57fubar's Avatar
Thanks for the info Hobby

Now for the question..........have you seen this one??

She was in Albany a week or so ago then bounced down to the Hudson Valley. Seems to have worked her way back here.
Hobby1750's Avatar
Thanks for the info Hobby

Now for the question..........have you seen this one??

She was in Albany a week or so ago then bounced down to the Hudson Valley. Seems to have worked her way back here. Originally Posted by 57fubar
Yes, that's a duplicate ad for Layla. (Fake pics in the Amethyst ad)
57fubar's Avatar
Yes, that's a duplicate ad for Layla. (Fake pics in the Amethyst ad) Originally Posted by Hobby1750
This is why I ask