Colin Kaepernick Sues Adoptive White Parents for 21 million for Reparations

... His American football career is in the shithouse.
So he gotta make money somehow...

You'd think he'd maybe try perchasing Real Estates with "No money down"
or selling AMWAY... Or encyclopedia books door-to-door.

Something like that BEFORE bringing a lawsuit against his parents.
But I surely reckon these are tough times today.

#### Salty
Y’all just believe any source. Poor fools. But not surprising that y’all believe anything no matter how stupid, false or dumb.
Y’all just believe any source. Poor fools. But not surprising that y’all believe anything no matter how stupid, false or dumb. Originally Posted by 1blackman1

Well I could see him actually trying to do this, as that is basically how stupid the reparations push for slaves proposals would be, look at San Francisco.

Also, the leftwing propaganda people are pushing false history about slavery. They also totally ignore that Indian tribes found in North America also has slavery policies. It varied by tribe, which has been the real loss of history about Indian culture, the differences between the different tribes.
Lucas McCain's Avatar
... His American football career is in the shithouse.
So he gotta make money somehow...

You'd think he'd maybe try perchasing Real Estates with "No money down"
or selling AMWAY... Or encyclopedia books door-to-door.

Something like that BEFORE bringing a lawsuit against his parents.
But I surely reckon these are tough times today.

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
You're funny. That man probably has at least $20M in the bank and has a Nike shoe contract that likely pays him a bare minimum of 7 figures a year.

This is just another silly troll thread by the OP. Or do you actually believe, Salty that he would sue his white parents for reparations after they adopted a black kid and then raised him and love him when he doesn't even need any money because he is set for life? LOL
Well I could see him actually trying to do this, as that is basically how stupid the reparations push for slaves proposals would be, look at San Francisco.

Also, the leftwing propaganda people are pushing false history about slavery. They also totally ignore that Indian tribes found in North America also has slavery policies. It varied by tribe, which has been the real loss of history about Indian culture, the differences between the different tribes. Originally Posted by farmstud60

So even though it didn’t occur, you believe it could because . . . You believe anything no matter how stupid or ridiculous. Says far more about you than him or anyone else for that matter. You and Salty are prime examples of the people the advice “stay quiet to not prove you’re a fool” is directed.
So even though it didn’t occur, you believe it could because . . . You believe anything no matter how stupid or ridiculous. Says far more about you than him or anyone else for that matter. You’re the prime example of the people the advise “stay quiet to not prove you’re a fool” is directed to. Originally Posted by 1blackman1

WRONG you are a prime example of not able to comprehend anything.

You just proved that you should stay quiet because you can't understand how stupid the left wing propaganda is that you support.
... Lads, Lads ... No need for insults... The Babylon Bee is
rather known for satires and what-not... Not sure IF this
article is true - but I DID see the story where Kaepernick
DID put the badmouth on his Mum.... It seems he was NOT
allowed to "fully embrace black cultures" because of
his well-to-do "white" up-bringing.

Lucas - I would not be surprised in the least if he did
try to sue his parents there... And I DO wonder just how much
money the fellow has today.

#### Salty
It’s probably not true but………..

WTF does that mean. Anyone that believes a “news” link on this site is a fool.
texassapper's Avatar
LOL... the tards don't understand satire... lol Originally Posted by Cheap Charlie
I read the article. I couldn't finish it my glasses fogged up I was laughing so hard.
LOL... the tards don't understand satire... lol Originally Posted by texassapper
After reading the responses, 2 people figured out it was satire. 5 people did not. 1 called me a troll, again. These are the intellectuals that live among us. LMAO
after they adopted a black kid and then raised him and love him Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
So nice to see you realize this unconditional love by white parents in a "systemic racist country" that leftists continuously proclaim. This is progress.
This is just another silly troll thread by the OP. Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
Translation: I can't recognize satire or offer meaningful debate, so I'll just resort to name calling.
VitaMan's Avatar
... His American football career is in the shithouse.
So he gotta make money somehow...

You'd think he'd maybe try perchasing Real Estates with "No money down"
or selling AMWAY... Or encyclopedia books door-to-door.

Something like that BEFORE bringing a lawsuit against his parents.
But I surely reckon these are tough times today.

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
Sounds like you didn't read it.

Or if you did....well, hate to paint that picture