Oh..My.. Well, even the Sex Toy Industry is going Green!?

Kelly TNT's Avatar

Okay, if I could figure out how to make some money off of this thing....I'd be sending several of mine back!

Oooof....that has got to be a Fun Fun Job disassembling Sex Toys!


Would any of you send your used Sex Toys to be recycled?

I mean...it's for the kids.

No, no it's not.

The environment? Maybe?

Nah, probably not. Well, maybe...Hmmm..

~Kelly TNT
No! Not that I don't appreciate green concept............but no

However, I would like a refund on a few of them sense they do not work!
It looks like they just take them apart for recycling, not reuse.
PoppyToyota's Avatar
So buying them in a thrift store or at a garage sale is out of the question.....