When visiting Las Vegas...

When do you like to play?
Mornings to start your day off right
during the afternoon
early evening before you go out on the town
or when the night is done and you want to wind down
simpleton's Avatar
I guess I like middle of the afternoon. That way I can take a nap after and be ready to go. But I also like the late night action like 3 to 5 in the am. Because you guessed it I can go right to sleep.
pyramider's Avatar
It usually depends on when a lady will see me. I will adjust.

Damn, that reads needy.
offshoredrilling's Avatar

sounds good. can I get 4 hh's for your 2h rate????????

sounds good. can I get 4 hh's for your 2h rate????????
Originally Posted by offshoredrilling

As long as they are back to back... haha

Rates are non negotiable, some ladies may like that, I don't appreciate it. Guess it would be like upselling to you guys, right? I don't do that, it's all inclusive, no adds.