Any Audi, BMW, & Mercedes Drivers out there?

  • HB13
  • 06-30-2013, 01:55 PM
Thought someone already posted this but apparently it hasn't:

Illicit Encounters's (UK's top married dating site) 2013 survey of "Most adulterous drivers"

Cars driven most by adulterers:
1.Audi - 22.21%
2.BMW - 13.79%
3.Mercedes Benz - 8.73%
4.Volvo - 7.55%
5.Volkswagen - 5.74

Cars driven least by adulterers:
1. Peugeot - 0.38%
2. Renault - 0.51%
3. Rover - 0.53%
4. Skoda - 1.05%
5. Hyundai - 1.55%

This is quite different to Ashley Madison's (U.S. based site) 2012 survey of drivers:

  1. Toyota (20.9%)----Honda (22.3%).
  2. Ford (12.3%)----Ford (13.4%).
  3. Chevy (10.2%)----Toyota (10.3%).
  4. Honda (7.1%)----Chevy (7.3%).
  5. BMW (6.4%)----Mercedes (6.6%).
  6. Dodge (5.8)----Nissan (5.6%).
  7. Nissan (4.8%)----Chrysler (4.3%).
  8. Jeep (4.8%)----Dodge (4.2%).
  9. GMC (3.2%)----BMW (3.9%).
  10. Mercedes (2.9%)----Volkswagen (2.8%)
So what do you all drive?
Myself my Japanese car brands don't even appear on both lists. Guess I'm an outlier. -_-
TifanyR's Avatar
HAHA!! VW Here! Top 5
justanolaguy's Avatar
One more horny VW driver checking in!
pornodave69's Avatar
Mine is in the least driven category.
brownfish's Avatar
It figures no1. ( and no.7 ) in the us list ..
Mercedes baby!
LA Man's Avatar
Guess being not listed on the first and nine on the second would make me less suspicious to the SO......?
brownfish's Avatar
Anybody owns a ferrari ?
pornodave69's Avatar
Anybody owns a ferrari ? Originally Posted by brownfish
It's the "Most adulterous drivers" list, not the "smallest penis" list.
brownfish's Avatar
Old Horn Dog's Avatar
It's the "Most adulterous drivers" list, not the "smallest penis" list. Originally Posted by pornodave69
Ford. Figures. I'm actually single though, so does that count?

I saw a Ferrari just the other day in NOLA on Veteran's. Gorgeous car. I was trying to take a pic. w/my phone & some jack-ass in a Corolla cut me off. Then the Ferrari turned into the drive-through @ Wendy's.

Sorry for hi-jacking, but which is it:

1. IRONIC that a person driving a Ferrari pulls into the drive-through @ Wendy's as opposed to valet-parking @ someplace ultra-snooty or

2. NORMAL, b/c home-boy spent ALL HIS GODDAM MONEY on the Ferrari, and he's reduced to Wendy's drive-through b/c he can't AFFORD anything better?
pornodave69's Avatar
Originally Posted by brownfish
Wiley64's Avatar
Camaro (new version) but soon to be Audi. Single too. So does that make me a future adulterer or just dead for picking the wrong woman?
Murf76's Avatar
2010 Ford F-!50....I call her "Black Beauty"!!! I've been driving black Ford trucks since 1978 and wouldn't have anything else!!!!