I guess other cities just don't measure up to New Orleans

daarakan's Avatar
Columbus?? I know Urban Meyer is a giant dick, but how the heck does Columbus get in the top 20 over Cincinnati or Cleveland?
Mysterydate023's Avatar
I'll just say that Baton Rouge is practically New Orleans for this circumstance and just grin with pride.
It's nice to be number one in something other than the murder rate :-/
27K data points out of roughly....100 million men (150 million males in the US roughly), is that statistically significant? Perhaps I should have done more than nap in my Stats class.
I would love to hear from a few ladies. I've had a few ladies comment that they have heard about the size of guys down here but I've dismissed it as an ice breaker and paid it little attention.

I agree with Veronica on the murder rate
L.T. Watson's Avatar
I would love to hear from a few ladies. I've had a few ladies comment that they have heard about the size of guys down here but I've dismissed it as an ice breaker and paid it little attention. Originally Posted by DeepThunder69
haha ,
er just a thought. Men buy most condoms, right?

I would respectfully suggest that condoms fit most men's ego better than the equipment.

So, I'd agree - yes, New Orleans has the largest EGO's hehe

I've never seen 5 inches go so far!
Arverni's Avatar
NEATO! The article says that company makes NINETY FIVE different condom sizes for a PERFECT FIT!

I wonder what size I am? I'm hung like Gnaeus Pompeius Magnus!!

FWIW ... it's said that Julius Caesar was stabbed to death at the foot of this very statue. His last view of the planet before he departed was probably that of Pompey's Tiny Todger. What kind of death is that for a conqueror? Shit man - stabbed by the entire Senate dozens of times ... they're all laughing at you ... and you look up, just as the lights go out, and there is the man who was your greatest rival towering over you with "Lil Chubby".

That is no way to die folks.

Also - NO WAY the real Pompey was this "buff" ... so the artist who made the statue certainly went out of his way to make Pompey look "swole".

So why didn't he do the guy a good turn and add a couple of inches to his pork sword also?

In fact - you could say that Pompey was CERTAINLY bigger than this (come on - they called him "MAGNUS"!!) ... so the artist actually sliced some size from his jimmy.
