Stupidity, thy name is AOC!

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  • Old-T
  • 01-10-2019, 11:09 AM
This thread is openly hilarious!

First, complaining that someone doesn't know the constitution when we have the bombastic moron in the WH right now.

But second and more so, I am beginning to sense some real fear of AOC among RWWs. I am NOT saying I agree with her positions, not saying I would vote for her if I could, but damn, she is exactly the kind of charismatic, outgoing, attractive candidate who can mobilize huge numbers of young voters who have not felt the urge to vote before. And most of those are not RWW-supporters. A lot of JFK & Obama in that young lady's personality.

I have looked in the eyes of a number of RWWs who are career political hacks, and I see FEAR in their eyes when she does come of age. Why else all this apoplexy about a first-term congresswoman?

It will be interesting to watch. This could make the Obama Hate Train seem like a toy choo-choo.
themystic's Avatar
This thread is openly hilarious!

First, complaining that someone doesn't know the constitution when we have the bombastic moron in the WH right now.

But second and more so, I am beginning to sense some real fear of AOC among RWWs. I am NOT saying I agree with her positions, not saying I would vote for her if I could, but damn, she is exactly the kind of charismatic, outgoing, attractive candidate who can mobilize huge numbers of young voters who have not felt the urge to vote before. And most of those are not RWW-supporters. A lot of JFK & Obama in that young lady's personality.

I have looked in the eyes of a number of RWWs who are career political hacks, and I see FEAR in their eyes when she does come of age. Why else all this apoplexy about a first-term congresswoman?

It will be interesting to watch. This could make the Obama Hate Train seem like a toy choo-choo.
Originally Posted by Old-T
You nailed it. The Trump lovebirds in here are obsessed with her. Looks like Grandpas everywhere are having a hard time explaining to the kids why they support a Liar and a Traitor. Its funny that Trump is getting punked by a 29 year old woman on one end and a 78 year old woman on the other. LMFAO!!!!!!
themystic's Avatar
No, she isn’t a billionaires daughter. Not sure what that has to do with anything. Her father is an architect. She grew up in Yorktown NY. A fairly wealthy town in Westchester county. Median family income of $140,000 as of 2010. Originally Posted by bambino
You FEAR an architects daughter who is only 29 years old? Thats interesting
bambino's Avatar
This thread is openly hilarious!

First, complaining that someone doesn't know the constitution when we have the bombastic moron in the WH right now.

But second and more so, I am beginning to sense some real fear of AOC among RWWs. I am NOT saying I agree with her positions, not saying I would vote for her if I could, but damn, she is exactly the kind of charismatic, outgoing, attractive candidate who can mobilize huge numbers of young voters who have not felt the urge to vote before. And most of those are not RWW-supporters. A lot of JFK & Obama in that young lady's personality.

I have looked in the eyes of a number of RWWs who are career political hacks, and I see FEAR in their eyes when she does come of age. Why else all this apoplexy about a first-term congresswoman?

It will be interesting to watch. This could make the Obama Hate Train seem like a toy choo-choo.
Originally Posted by Old-T
I don’t know who you hang out with but I see a lot of laughs concerning her. Charismatic, no, bimbo, yes. But she is more attractive from of the run of the mill congressional female Democrats. But that’s a really low bar. That being said, I’d throw a fuck into her. As long as one of her policies pays for it.
gfejunkie's Avatar

I have looked in the eyes of a number of RWWs who are career political hacks, and I see FEAR in their eyes when she does come of age. Why else all this apoplexy about a first-term congresswoman?
Originally Posted by Old-T
You're mistaking fear for incredulity. As in "How can anybody be that damned STUPID?"
Why else all this apoplexy about a first-term congresswoman?

Originally Posted by Old-T
Its actually much more the opposite in the lame stream media making such a fuss over such an incompetent first term congresswoman. Why is that? As such the rebuttal of her is a simple reaction.
she obviously scares the shit out of the right
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 01-10-2019, 03:35 PM
The new "gaff-a-minute" Joe Biden?

Perhaps. Originally Posted by gfejunkie
Which is worse, a gaff or out and out lie?
I love how she has the GOP base scared as hell....all for suggesting a return to IKE's era tax rates
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  • WTF
  • 01-10-2019, 03:43 PM
No, she isn’t a billionaires daughter. Not sure what that has to do with anything. Her father is an architect. She grew up in Yorktown NY. A fairly wealthy town in Westchester county. Median family income of $140,000 as of 2010. Originally Posted by bambino
Trump has a advisor whose Dad is supposedly a billionaire. ...ever heard that vapid bitch speak?

I'd put this congresswoman up against the President's advisor anytime.
[QUOTE=WTF;1061175601]You think Trump is knowledgeable about the constitution?

They should have an age restriction on the upper end too. Who wants an 80 year old leader?[/QUO Bw&q=which+president+won+by+th e+biggest+landslide&oq=which+p resident+won+the+biggest+lan&g s_l=psy-ab.1.0.0i22i30.60863.112924..1 15190...5.0..1.126.5988.67j9.. ....0....1..gws-wiz.....0..0i71j33i22i29i30j0j 0i131j0i67j33i299j33i160.cnWVr QlQMDA
They must have in 1984 with 73 year old President Reagan...and in a once in a LIFETIME BIG way!!
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 01-10-2019, 03:46 PM
I love how most do not understand wtf a marginal tax rat is it seems. I mean she suggested the higher rate kick in at like 10 million

I bet Jeff Besos just shit his pants!
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 01-10-2019, 03:46 PM
I love how most do not understand wtf a marginal tax rat is it seems. I mean she suggested the higher rate kick in at like 10 million

I bet Jeff Besos just shit his pants!
gfejunkie's Avatar

I have looked in the eyes of a number of RWWs who are career political hacks, and I see FEAR in their eyes when she does come of age. Why else all this apoplexy about a first-term congresswoman?
Originally Posted by Old-T
You are mistaking fear for incredulity. As in "How can anybody be that fucking stupid?'
You think Trump is knowledgeable about the constitution?

They should have an age restriction on the upper end too. Who wants an 80 year old leader? Originally Posted by WTF
They DID in a ON IN A LIFETIME WAY in 1984 with 73 year old President Reagan!!