Who can you trust?

SweaterPuppies's Avatar
Hi everyone,

I am not sure if this is alert worthy or not, but I wanted to warn the community here. When I came back from being banned I received a private message in confidence from a gentleman who fears retribution from a provider who knows his real life information. He knew I wouldn’t just sit on this information and thinks something should be done about this indiscreet, vindictive provider, so I decided take a break from trolling to address this issue.

Pursuant to the Eccie Guidelines, “#5 - Outing or threats of outing are taken seriously. Membership here is anonymous and for the privacy of our members it will remain that way. That means any effort or attempt to connect a person's real world information to their username on this board will be dealt with swiftly and harshly. This includes real names, employment, medical info, addresses past or present, images, criminal or driving record, etc. We expect everyone who participates here to respect and go to great lengths to protect the anonymity and privacy of one another. Reckless disregard or accidental outing will also be taken very seriously.”

I take outing or threats of outing very personally as I had a jilted client who once posted ALL of my personal information online along with a picture of my face. I was completely devastated. The malicious post has since been removed, but I now know how outing feels.

This provider has shared another Eccie member's full name and even a link to her Facebook profile. This Eccie member has always been nice to me, and I don’t understand why her “friend” would reveal her private information to clients, etc.

So basically, I just want everyone to be cognizant of the fact that if your personal information falls into the wrong hands it could be devastating to your real life. If you would like to know who this indiscreet provider is, message me.

Love always,
I had someone out me.

The coolest part about being outed to friends & family?

It can only happen once!

Thankfully my friends & family love me and I live a pretty awesome life.. So, the ones that didn't know were far from surprised.

Humans can be vindictive. Be careful of what you choose to share with others in any environment. I can share anything, it's a pretty awesome feeling. And funny enough.. No one in my family got mad at me.
Great post. Have a great weekend. Hugs
Yes great post. You have to tell us who this provider is. We all need to know what lady this is so that everyone can watch their backs from her. Dose it have to do with Twitter? Lol
Jules Jaguar's Avatar
I would love to hear who it is
Luke Skywalker's Avatar
Just PM sweaterpuppies. She will tell you. I PM'ed her and she told me.
Trust no one with your real world info, no matter how comfortable you may feel you are with them, that way, no one can out you.

Providers have it worse than hobbyists when it comes to outing as they have to post their real pictures in their ads and who knows if a family member, real world friend, co-worker, SO's friend or anyone else who knows you personally is a hobbyist. I know that unless as provider has a full body pic, including her face, I will not see her or even contact her for a session. Reason being is I want to make sure that she is not someone known to me or have seen in my personal life.

Only one provider that I can recall wants to get as much info on both providers and hobbyists so they can get a pass to go to her private forum, and will use it against them later, not to mention has an agenda of wanting to out others if she could whom she does not like or do not agree with her opinions. I feel sorry for the members whose personal info she does know!
TexasDave555's Avatar
That sucks... happens all too often unfortunately.
Just PM sweaterpuppies. She will tell you. I PM'ed her and she told me. Originally Posted by Luke Skywalker
Yup she told me to. I bet if people think long and hard about it they can fiqure it out.
Since the OP has a history of going after me on this board and her last attempt was a dud, I want to make a quick statement that I am NOT the subject of the OP's post. I go out of my way to avoid having any info on anyone other than a handle, P411 and hobby number or email. I am the first one to warn others about sharing too much information.

Unless you are trying to play a game why not just tell the mods who the provider is or have the gentleman and your friend tell the mods who the provider is and let them handle it. That's what they are here for. Its much more effective than the pm charade back and forth unless you are just trying to hurt a lady's business with ugly rumors.

The mods will investigate it and handle it if you and they tell them who it is.
SweaterPuppies's Avatar
Since the OP has a history of going after me on this board and her last attempt was a dud, I want to make a quick statement that I am NOT the subject of the OP's post. I go out of my way to avoid having any info on anyone other than a handle, P411 and hobby number or email. I am the first one to warn others about sharing too much information.

Unless you are trying to play a game why not just tell the mods who the provider is or have the gentleman and your friend tell the mods who the provider is and let them handle it. That's what they are here for. Its much more effective than the pm charade back and forth unless you are just trying to hurt a lady's business with ugly rumors.

The mods will investigate it and handle it if you and they tell them who it is. Originally Posted by thathottnurse
If the shoe fits.........
Outting and threats of outting are a very serious issue and should be handled by staff. Unless you are just on yet another smear campaign then the mods are your best resource for this type of threat.

Bringing it to coed only stirs up drama and does nothing to solve the problem. I can see why certain people are piling on though. You all enjoy yourselves. I'm gonna go suck some dick.
Grace Preston's Avatar
Trust no one with your real world info, no matter how comfortable you may feel you are with them, that way, no one can out you.

Providers have it worse than hobbyists when it comes to outing as they have to post their real pictures in their ads and who knows if a family member, real world friend, co-worker, SO's friend or anyone else who knows you personally is a hobbyist. I know that unless as provider has a full body pic, including her face, I will not see her or even contact her for a session. Reason being is I want to make sure that she is not someone known to me or have seen in my personal life.
Originally Posted by davidfree986


And the truth is, for us ladies at least, other providers are your greatest threat. Yes, there are a few vindictive men out there that will go to great lengths to mess with you-- but in my personal experience, the biggest threats to my safety and security have always been fellow providers.

Now, I won't show my face pic on the open boards. To me, that just increases the chances of someone from my world connecting me to this world. But- I can certainly understand the concern-- in my multiple years, I've had one person who knew me in the real world show up on my doorstep. It is rare, but not impossible.
this thread had better not turn into a fight or everyone involved will have a vacation, this is my one and only warning. This is not the place to start rumors, if anyone has proof of outing report it to a mod otherwise keep your mouth shut!
Luke Skywalker's Avatar

And the truth is, for us ladies at least, other providers are your greatest threat. Yes, there are a few vindictive men out there that will go to great lengths to mess with you-- but in my personal experience, the biggest threats to my safety and security have always been fellow providers.

Now, I won't show my face pic on the open boards. To me, that just increases the chances of someone from my world connecting me to this world. But- I can certainly understand the concern-- in my multiple years, I've had one person who knew me in the real world show up on my doorstep. It is rare, but not impossible. Originally Posted by GracePreston
Yup, keep everything separate. It has happened to me to meet a provider that was a young mom on one of my children's middle school - yup. I met her as a provider a good 4 years later, but it was very awkward. I've seen her a few times, but stopped, only because it was too close for comfort. But she was hot, it was not an easy decision, a battle between the two heads but the big one won.