I don't understand....

Why Mr. Chung Tran has chosen to stoop to this school yard type of bullying, stooping so low as to accuse me of writing my last review and rating myself in the Dallas board...

I live in NOLA, and my last review was from a guy who has been a board member for over 1 year, yet I am the only lady he has reviewed. And he mistakenly put it in the Dallas board. Which has since been moved to the correct place.

This is why a lot of guys are just not writing reviews because of guys like Mr. Tran. The backlash is horrible, and they get picked apart by every guy on the board...

I am so glad NOLA doesn't have the same drama Dallas boards have. If we do we only have it in spells and moderation.

Also I want to say to Mr. Tran, please stop insinuating that I wrote my own review, and rated and bumped up a 3 year old thread, and like I said to you elsewhere you better have the balls to and proof to back up your ridiculous story.

Just because Mr. Tran has written 43 reviews, does not make him any better than the guy who has written only 1. I want the mods to write my reviewer, and I want him to write them back, so this stupid accusation you have made can be put to rest.

I only have 1 handle on all of the boards I am on, I only have 1 computer, and I only write post for and by myself. I have never even changed my phone number since moving back to NOLA.

I have 54 good reviews that speak volumes for themselves. And for you to stoop so low as to call me out of my name, by insulting my size is way too low even for you.

If you got a thing for hating bbw ladies, FINE!! Then keep your trap shut, and stay in your lane. Go see the ladies with whom you connect. But DO NOT insult me by trash calling.

That my dear makes you no better than a school yard bully!!

I think I speak for all of us plus size ladies who hobby just like you do.

  • EZ.
  • 11-08-2014, 07:46 AM
La vie est belle. Eviter le drama. Vous souhaiter bonne chance.

Ancien Francais de Acadiana
Chung Tran's Avatar

If you got a thing for hating bbw ladies, FINE!!
That my dear makes you no better than a school yard bully!!

M.M. Originally Posted by Melissa Madyson
not me

pull up my reviews, you'll see more than a couple of BBW's.. in fact, I've taken more than my share of ribbing on this Forum, for having indulged with BBW's.. I laugh right along with the posters.. it's all good.. it's all fun. I noticed in the PM you sent, that you referenced my last review.. in fact, my last 2 reviews were for skinny girls.. both of them great.. but my next scheduled session is for yet another BBW.. not you, of course, I'm getting a sneaking suspicion you wouldn't see me, LOL..

school yard bully? nope.. True Guilty Bastard? yes!!! (inside joke on this Forum, never mind).. the thread you referenced, that I commented on, has all the characteristics of a self-review, or a White Knight promulgated fake.. I noticed you failed to link that thread.. I don't think I would have either..
Luke Skywalker's Avatar

Ancien Francais de Acadiana Originally Posted by OldLRRP
AKA Cajun.
  • EZ.
  • 11-08-2014, 08:19 AM
AKA Cajun. Originally Posted by Luke Skywalker
There are a few of us around. We are a friendly and inclusive lot. "Mistress" comes from the French of course "french kiss" and then there is "menage a trois".
Mr. Tran, I don't know how to do alot of things on my computer. Perhaps you can get me to a computer class..

As far as your saying that I didn't link a thread, I don't really sit and figure out how to do so.. but I am not hating on you, it just says a lot about your character when you call ladies heffers ( me in general) and then you say other mean things that are hurtful when I gave you no cause to do so. I Don't need any white knights to come save me, or anyone to fabricate false reviews of myself. I wish you well, and this matter to me is over. We both had our say on this and I feel I should take the high road...

Have a lovely weekend.
Chung Tran's Avatar
thanks MM.. my weekend would be lovelier if I could sit in Jackson Square enjoying some beignets and coffee with you by my side, taking in some street Jazz or Zydeco..

instead I will slouch in front of the TV tonight, rooting for TCU to beat Kansas State!
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
Mr. Tran, I don't know how to do alot of things on my computer. Perhaps you can get me to a computer class..

As far as your saying that I didn't link a thread, I don't really sit and figure out how to do so.. but I am not hating on you, it just says a lot about your character when you call ladies heffers ( me in general) and then you say other mean things that are hurtful when I gave you no cause to do so. I Don't need any white knights to come save me, or anyone to fabricate false reviews of myself. I wish you well, and this matter to me is over. We both had our say on this and I feel I should take the high road...

Have a lovely weekend.
M.mM. Originally Posted by Melissa Madyson
thanks MM.. my weekend would be lovelier if I could sit in Jackson Square enjoying some beignets and coffee with you by my side, taking in some street Jazz or Zydeco..

instead I will slouch in front of the TV tonight, rooting for TCU to beat Kansas State! Originally Posted by Chung Tran
It's so refreshing when a topic turns nice.

Love it when I can read a topic and smile for once.

Happy Saturday, my dear Melissa (I'll admit, I adore this lady!) and Chung!!!

doug_dfw's Avatar
It's so refreshing when a topic turns nice.

Love it when I can read a topic and smile for once.

Happy Saturday, my dear Melissa (I'll admit, I adore this lady!) and Chung!!!

Elisabeth Originally Posted by ElisabethWhispers
I don't know Melissa but Chung is a gentleman who is rarely, if ever, off track. I agree with you Elizabeth; nice to see ugly become beautiful.
Ok mods since Mr. Chung and I decided that we are good. In other words both parties have said our thoughts and made nice, can you close my thread??

Since both parties kissed & made up in this rare happy ending of ECCIE's own Harlequin Romance.

This one is done. Love, Luck, & Lollipops for all.