AMP Provider with taut belly

I saw this mentioned in the encounters and forgot to reply. As a public service announcement:

The taut belly is likeley ascites or fluid accumulation in the abdomen. There are several possible causes - alcoholisn - but severe liver problems (cirrhosis) related to chronic hep B and chronic hep C are also high possibilities. TB is less likeley cause. For liver problems, also look for excessive bruising, red palms or unusual blood vessels at surface of the skin.

Jaundice often accompanies liver problems. Jaundice is a little harder to read in Asians. Yellow in eyeballs whites is fairly indicative. Jaundice under the tongue is pretty conclusive, but I dont know how you can observe that.

Sorry to bring this up, but if you see the taut belly on a 50 year old, you may be putting yourself at high risk.
TryWeakly's Avatar
odd...I always thought that "taut" meant "tight" ...

tightly drawn

: having no give or slack : tightly drawn. a taut rope. : high-strung, tense. taut nerves. : kept in proper order or condition.
NordicJag's Avatar
odd...I always thought that "taut" meant "tight" ...

tightly drawn

: having no give or slack : tightly drawn. a taut rope. : high-strung, tense. taut nerves. : kept in proper order or condition. Originally Posted by TryWeakly
You are absolutely correct TW. Although, there might be differing reasons why a belly is taut, most of us take it to mean taut and flat rather than flabby. The link by the OP is concerning taut and misshapen. Under most circumstances the term taut belly is a positive term.
I Tawt I Taw a Puddy Tat
NordicJag's Avatar
Suckerin' succotash.
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Let’s stay on topic folks: