
HDGristle's Avatar
Stepping away from politics for a moment... Idk about you but the sheer number of scam related calls, texts and emails trying to prey on folks has been troubling.

All the phishing and social engineering. Vishing. Smishing. Embedded code in pdf's. The gift card scams that target the same folks who get suckered into buying every deal they see on QVC.

What kinds of similar effort have you seen? Any good takedowns of these scammers that you're aware of.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
I wanna reach through the phone and choke the fuck out of the people who constantly call me trying to sell a car warranty. They’re slick too, using different local numbers to get around being blocked.
HDGristle's Avatar
VoIP can be a real bitch
When I was in between jobs I did a bit of gig economy work, and in the app there was a way for the customer to message you. They messaged and pretended to be from the actual gig company saying "we want to reward you with a $300 for your excellent work, pleas call us back at xxx xxx xxxx." I called just in case, and they said a few pleasantries and then asked me for my password. That's when I started swearing at them telling them to get a job. LOL
HDGristle's Avatar
That's kinda fucked up
A guy my Dad knows from the VFW got the "Your son is in jail & needs bailed out" scam call. The guy told the caller "Good, you can fucking keep him" and hung up.
... Most people got cellular phones now, so the odd calls
are prolly a low number... but think of the businesses
out there - gettin' the constant calls from pranksters
as well as the telephone-marketteers.

And THAT just might surely screw YOU over while making
a real honest call to a place... For example:

Awhile back, a fellow was askin' the price for
a two-lovvy massage session at Kyoto Spa...

I told the fellow that I wasn't sure of the cost,
but I would surely find out. ...

So I rang them up one evening and the House-Mum answered.
And I asked what a two-girl session might cost. ...

The bleedin' House-Mum was ANGRY and screaming at me:

"Why you call here?" ... "Why you talk funny?" ...
Why you wanna know price?" ... "Are YOU police?" ...

... And I said to her, "Hold on there, Luv - it's Salty.
I was there for a go awhile-back and just wan-
Hello? ... HELLO?! ... are you still on the line?"

... She had hung up. ... ..

... So, I'm sayin' - just think of the businesses
out there that gotta put up with louts and odd
shithouse rats botherin' them all the day.

#### Salty
HDGristle's Avatar
VoIP scamming exploded in the age of cell phones, Salty.

The most common gift card refund scam scripts often heavily rely on keeping the target on the phone as they go to pick up gift cards at the store.

I get that you're too savvy to answer the calls, mate... but those call centers exist because they're making lots and lots of money everyday.

They're not here to prey on you with your plethora of computer skills, verbal jujitsu game and keen bullshitometer.

They want your elderly Aunt Gidget's hard-earned fixed income converted into $500 Google Play cards
VoIP scamming exploded in the age of cell phones, Salty.

The most common gift card refund scam scripts often heavily rely on keeping the target on the phone as they go to pick up gift cards at the store.

I get that you're too savvy to answer the calls, mate... but those call centers exist because they're making lots and lots of money everyday.

They're not here to prey on you with your plethora of computer skills, verbal jujitsu game and keen bullshitometer.

They want your elderly Aunt Gidget's hard-earned fixed income converted into $500 Google Play cards Originally Posted by HDGristle

For a while I was getting these group text scammers. They'd send a group text to around 20 people, none of whom I knew, then some of the "savvy" folks would start responding to the text. They'd do it almost every day form a different number, usually late at night. That was pretty annoying.

Recently I've been getting a lot of scammers texting me fishing for my Amazon password.

If I'd have given the gig economy scammer my password, they'd have then changed the instant pay to their bank card, and drained whatever I had from that weeks work in the gig account.
HDGristle's Avatar
Just in the past few days I've got the following
  1. Windows call about a virus on my computer
  2. Chase Bank about a credit card
  3. The IRS telling me the sheriff is outside because of unpaid taxes
  4. Amazon scam
  5. Netflix scam
  6. Norton anti-virus scam
  7. MGM Grand vacation scam
My buddy who works at Walmart has saved at least 4 lil' old ladies from falling for the Gift Card scams.
HDGristle's Avatar
Good on your buddy