I had a great first date with her and she turned out to be a little deviant BCD. I like deviance and it was a nice surprise for a first date. On the second date we go to my favorite Tapas restaurant and drink a large amount of sangria. The shit that spilled out of her mouth was incredible. My date card is not full as explaining to future partners "you" have cancer does not always make for future dates. With that said; this woman hated every racial group on the planet. Outside of dropping an N bomb at the table, I was witness to every negative stereotype there is. Instead of the N bomb, her reference was "the brothers" The venom that spewed out her mouth was amazing. I could easily have been in the locker room of a Klan rally.
I suppose a job like that can get to a person after time. My Uncle is a retired detective and whereas he is not a racist; he does have a ton of negativity. I do not plan on a third date and told her that the two of us come from a different philosophy.