If You Don't Own a Business STFU

If you don't own a business, you have no business commenting on Trump’s tax returns, or his steel purchases from China. Because you don't have a fucking clue what is involved!

You have no idea what it is like getting physically ill in the early years wondering if you can make the next payroll. You have no idea what it is like to know there are employees counting on you to make good decisions to keep the company running and growing.

You haven't a clue the amount of stress involved in owning and running a business. So until you have walked a mile in OUR shoes (business owners) shut the fuck up about Trump's tax returns and business practices.

Buy the way. Let me give some insight to Ass up and the other liberal fucktards about bankruptcy. Without the protection of bankruptcy laws new ventures would effectively stop in this country.

Look at Walmart, Exxon, Saltgrass Steakhouse and every other company. Do you really think the individuals who started these companies would have been willing to invest and borrow without the protection of Corporation and Bankruptcy laws?

It does not matter if you hate Trump. The fact is today his companies employ tens of thousands of people. CNN (we know what it stands for) estimates Trump employs 34,000 people. The state of New York uses a multiplier (multiplier effect) of 1.5 for Trump's type of business. So according to New York and CNN Trump is responsible for employing 51,000 people.

So it is a fact that Trump is responsible for 51,000 families having food on the table, clothes on their backs and a roof over their head. Love him or hate him he IS successful and does a lot of good.

Without the bankruptcy and tax laws of 1995 it is probable that those 51,000 jobs would not exist. So before you Liberals start mouthing off, tell us what good you have done and how many families you feed.

The "multiplier effect" is: the employment multiplier measures the amount of direct, indirect and induced jobs created (or lost) in the area.
After thought...

If you liberals could snap your fingers and make Trump disappear, 51,000 people would be out of work. I will never understand the liberal mind...
Got any idea what happened to the families effected by the almost one billion in bankrupt corporations?
Got any idea what happened to the families effected by the almost one billion in bankrupt corporations? Originally Posted by i'va biggen
Yes. I suspect all of them found other jobs and many probably worked for Trump again.

Although working with Trump is not a guarantee of success the odds are pretty good. He currently is involved in 530 businesses. For every one deal that went bad he has a 100 that make everyone money.

I guarantee you many of the banks and suppliers that lost out on his bankruptcy continue to do business with him today.

Please tell me how many times in your life you had the balls to start a business? Would you have had the balls to pick yourself up after a billion dollar failure.

The difference between success and failure can often be measured in inches. This country runs and prospers because of men like Trump that are not afraid of a little failure along the way.
51,000 people say at an average salary of $40,000 equals a gross payroll of over 2 billion dollars- quite an economic generation

just trump's share of the payroll tax - using the number of 34,000 direct employees at $40k per

not the amount withheld from the gross wage of the employees and sent to the government -
no, not that amount which he has generated also

no, just the one half of the medicare and social security tax trump pays as the employer at 7.65% is $104,040,000 per year

a tax he pays and pays each year for and including 1995 and every year since

if you double it for the total social security and medicare tax, both halves, and that's fair as his businesses have to generate the income to cover that-

its over $200,000,000 million a year going to the government- and if you add in the federal income tax withholding paid in, its much more

small wonder the government allows an NOL

but the underlying real issue is an NOL has to be allowed, its not a loophole, or "gaming the system"

it is the system

its ridiculous for idiots to think-where we have an income tax where you pay tax on your net income - not gross revenues- net income after expenses and not allow a carry forward of a loss to the next year.

of course hellary and her media KNOWS that- but they think most people are ignorant and they see a splashy way to lie
for trump to have a $900 million dollar DEDUCTIBLE loss

he had to pay out that amount

he had to spend the money-his money- to try to keep employees and vendors and the expenses paid

otherwise he wouldn't be allowed the deduction

there is no net operating loss allowed that doesn't represent money out of his pocket

it couldn't be loans he had and then didn't pay back

it cant be just a bunch of invoices from contractors he never paid

it cant be employees he didn't pay

no he had to pay out that money to get the deduction

so he didn't cut and run, he pulled 900 million out of wherever he could get it and paid and paid and paid-if some of the money he used to pay the expenses came from loans- he had to pay the loans back or the loss wouldn't be allowed

which of you worthless leftists looking for someone to pay your way would try to pay everything you could - to the extent of everything you had, or could borrow- which in trumps case was 900 million?

and then trump worked his way back from that loss
Yes. I suspect all of them found other jobs and many probably worked for Trump again.

Although working with Trump is not a guarantee of success the odds are pretty good. He currently is involved in 530 businesses. For every one deal that went bad he has a 100 that make everyone money.

I guarantee you many of the banks and suppliers that lost out on his bankruptcy continue to do business with him today.

Please tell me how many times in your life you had the balls to start a business? Would you have had the balls to pick yourself up after a billion dollar failure.

The difference between success and failure can often be measured in inches. This country runs and prospers because of men like Trump that are not afraid of a little failure along the way. Originally Posted by tonyvicksa


What is your point? Yes, people lost money and jobs. In business there are failures. According to Forbes 90% of startup business fail, link below. Trump's record is significantly better than that.

Have you not driven down the street and seen restaurants, and retail stores that have failed? They are all over the place. Most of them probably used bankruptcy laws. All of them lost money and caused unemployment. Some of them went on to open new successful businesses.

Trump plays with big numbers so his failures seem worse. But his successes are also much larger. To suggest that his failures out number his successes is ridiculous.

If you would have invested equally in all his ventures you would be a wealthy man.




http://www.nationalreview.com/articl...-went-bankrupt Originally Posted by i'va biggen
Asfaloth54's Avatar
I have owned businesses and I don't give a shit whether Trump has been successful or not. The salient question about his tax returns is - why hasn't he released them when he originally said he would? His audit status is irrelevant to that question.
I B Hankering's Avatar
I have owned businesses and I don't give a shit whether Trump has been successful or not. The salient question about his tax returns is - why hasn't he released them when he originally said he would? His audit status is irrelevant to that question. Originally Posted by Asfaloth54
Actually, the salient question is, "when is hildebeest going to release the 33,000 subpoenaed emails she deleted that -- unlike Trump's taxes -- are public records; hence, governed by the federally mandated provisions of the FOIA?"
After thought...

If you liberals could snap your fingers and make Trump disappear, 51,000 people would be out of work. I will never understand the liberal mind... Originally Posted by tonyvicksa
Well you need to understand the Liberal mind. They base everything on two basic premises Victimhood and Oppressor ship. The link below will give you a little better understanding of that. Furthermore their views are not about America as a whole but small groups or sectors of the population that claim to be oppressed by white wealthy men.


Great thread
lustylad's Avatar
I have owned businesses and I don't give a shit whether Trump has been successful or not. The salient question about his tax returns is - why hasn't he released them when he originally said he would? His audit status is irrelevant to that question. Originally Posted by Asfaloth54
There is no upside to releasing them. Even if he paid tons of taxes, the media will distort the story and find something negative to focus on. Plus most people don't understand taxes, as shown by all of the ignorance over loss carry-forwards.

It's a no-win for Trump. Whether he releases them or not, lib-retarded dims like you won't shut up. You'll do anything to deflect the conversation away from hildebeest's disgraceful record of corruption and lies. Why play into your hands?
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Drumpf is unfit to be president of the United States.

His horrible business ethic and predatory practices are reasons enough.

But add in the fact that he's an unpredictable, loud mouthed narcissist with NO idea of how government works -- other than how to game it -- and he's dangerous.

I'm a business owner. And I will NOT STFU.
bambino's Avatar
Drumpf is unfit to be president of the United States.

His horrible business ethic and predatory practices are reasons enough.

But add in the fact that he's an unpredictable, loud mouthed narcissist with NO idea of how government works -- other than how to game it -- and he's dangerous.

I'm a business owner. And I will NOT STFU. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
How's business down at your glory holes?