Provider Party!!!

Harley*Jayden's Avatar
I am thinking about having a party just for us,, It would be in a discreet safe place with drinks and lots of lovely girls.. trying to see how long some of you guys would need to know in advance.. We will be having specials for the girls all night and your able to see the providers of your choice for a special price. a few girls will be putting on a show also. Let me know if your interested in joining us..
Time and date are still undecided trying to get some input on a good time during the day or night, I would love your opinions
I am thinking of the begining of september.. Ladies if your interested in coming just send me a pm as well..
It is going to be so much fun hope all of you can join us
drez63's Avatar
Sounds interesting and fun...with the potential of a lot of do you see the time with the provider working? Private rooms? A sign up list and a "now serving" announcement?
Harley*Jayden's Avatar
Oh yes their will be rooms for you to go into when you deciede you wanna try that provider .. everyone will be drinking hanging out in the main room.. don't want akwardness just freaky fun!!!
drez63's Avatar
Count me in!!!!!!!!!!!! Let me know what, when, and how.....We all know the why!!!!
Let me know if its next weekend I'm in !
Hawkeye9's Avatar
pmdelites's Avatar
just be very Very VERY DAMN CAREFUL about all of this! providing a location for people to get together like this sure might be like honey to bees for the types of people you may not want there.
I would love to meet some of the other folks from here in a social setting. But, having to think long and hard about any work taking place at the same time and location. All it would take is one leak or mistake and everyone there could be in deep shit.
Lanny's Avatar
  • Lanny
  • 07-24-2010, 08:01 AM
Some VERY good points are made on this thread....Potential for COMPLICATIONS abounds when some type of Screening is not done....
Jazzy, you probly could benefit from PMing Fawn or TrulySummer...they are Savvy Ladies who, I believe...I heard somewhere...through the grapevine...there was a rumour...that they have knowledge of what you speak...
Best of luck....Discretion could not be more important to both the success and SAFETY of an event such as this....
POTENTIAL is Way up there...Best of Luck, sweetie....

Wordsmith's Avatar
Not to blast your plan. But this idea could be fraught with danger.
Would love to meet some providers at something like this. But safety for everyone involved is most important.
I'm going to have to agree with Lanny and Wordsmith. If not done carefully, it could be an absolute disaster. Ask the folks in Houston.

Definitely pick the brains of the ladies who are familiar (and successful) with holding something similar to this. I hear that they have been doing it for a while and can give you some sage advice. This is all just rumor, of course. These gatherings may or may not really happen. I don't know for sure.

Be ready to screen a ton of people! There is a lot that goes into holding one of these events, if it is being done right. Best of luck to you!
Sounds fucking exciting! A little danger, true, but it adds to the excitement
count me in
dodger's Avatar
Not to blast your plan. But this idea could be fraught with danger. Originally Posted by Wordsmith

Makes me think of that "christmas party" busted in Houston