Should Cuomo Resign?? I SAY NO.

If we have learned anything from the past decades in the American Political Scene, it’s that anybody can accuse anybody of anything, and do it with impunity.

If Cuomo’s accusers are telling the truth, let them do it under oath, under the penalties of perjury.

It appears that Cuomo is a real piece of shit. But the people of New York elected him. And unless he is impeached and convicted by the New York Legislator, he should not yield to accusations by people who possibly have hidden agendas.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 03-13-2021, 05:43 AM
I agree.

Let the voters decide.
  • oeb11
  • 03-13-2021, 08:12 AM
Cuomoo is now the sacrificial lamb to the 'woke' cancel culture and PC mavens - all anonymous - of teh DPST marxist party.

Facts and Truth have nothing to do with their ideology.
He's responsible for the Cuomocaust that resulted in thousands of unnecessary deaths.

Yet, pinch a few butts and make some unwelcomed remarks and "You're a monster." Welcome to the "new normal."

Cuomo should have resigned months ago. Instead, he was rewarded with a book deal, an Emmy, fawning media coverage and a possible Presidential candidacy.
The quality of intelligence of NYS voters is not strained....
HedonistForever's Avatar
If we have learned anything from the past decades in the American Political Scene, it’s that anybody can accuse anybody of anything, and do it with impunity.

If Cuomo’s accusers are telling the truth, let them do it under oath, under the penalties of perjury.

It appears that Cuomo is a real piece of shit. But the people of New York elected him. And unless he is impeached and convicted by the New York Legislator, he should not yield to accusations by people who possibly have hidden agendas. Originally Posted by Jackie S

There is just so much irony wrapped up in this especially watching Democrats stay as far away from saying "I believe her" like they did with Kavanaugh. Granted, they are calling for him to resign and to a one, saying that the women must be heard, haven't heard a single female Democrat say, "I believe her". They avoid those 3 words like the plague.

But hell yeah, if I'm Cuomo, I make them toss my ass before I would resign.
LexusLover's Avatar
The DumboCrats in NY wanted to make sure they got their "Covid" POP!

Grabbing a hot ambitious lady's butt is much more offensive than killing 1,000s of old people who are merely a drain on the taxpayers.

Unless of course, you are a fake Black lady who sucks dicks to advance her political the WH ...and be the first female President of the U.S. Then it's ok.
Trey's Avatar
  • Trey
  • 03-14-2021, 12:31 PM
No he is fine, leave him be, grabbing them by the pussy is ok nowadays. I find it funny you hold him responsible for covid deaths but trump's hands are totally clean in yalls eyes.
adav8s28's Avatar
No he is fine, leave him be, grabbing them by the pussy is ok nowadays. Originally Posted by Trey
Actually, Cuomo did not try Trump's three step approach of

1. Mint flavored Tic Tacs

2. DFK (Deep French Kissing) without an invitation

3. Grab them by the pus*y.

Billy Bush Access Hollywood ("You can do anything"?)

Donald Trump ("Just Grab them by the Pussy")

Of all the women that said they had affairs with Trump, all were consensual. The ones that came forward simply wanted money to keep quiet.

None ever accused him of doing what Cuomo’s accusers allege.

As for Cuomo, has any of these women actually been put under oath with these accusations?

Until, they are, they are not fact. If New York wants Cuomo gone, do it correctly. Have the Legislature impeach him, and have trial, where witnesses can be put under oath to tell their story.

Trial by media is not the way we are suppose to do things.
when the kennedy's lose elections in massachusetts

and a cuomo cant keep the dark things secret any longer

it aint your grandpappy's dimocrat party no longer

its aoc's

can you spell trotsky?

"written out of soviet history books under stalin, trotsky was one of the few soviet political personalities whom the soviet administration under khrushchev did not rehabilitate in the 1950s."
I just want to know how they are going to blame Trump and/or the GOP for his failings. /s
rexdutchman's Avatar
By the same mentality that wanted to hang Kav for something that nobody remembers 45 years before