Austin Community Happy Hour - Wednesday, April 24

ck1942's Avatar
Just the usual low-key reminder that invites for the Wednesday, April 24 Happy Hour (4:30 pm to 8 pm +) have been distributed by em and pm.

If you are not already on the invite list and wish to attend, please send me a PM. Vouching closes at 5 pm Monday, April 22.

This another of our usual no cover, pay-as-you-go events with happy hour drink and food prices in a comfortable venue.

More details about invites and event rules are in the link in my signature.

If you were on previous invite lists and didn't get a current invite, please let me know as no-shows and "failure to get re-vouched" invitees usually drop to inactive status.

More information on Austin Community Happy Hours is HERE!
FirePhoenix's Avatar
Hi a client of mine would like to go to your happy hour.The handle name is KisserSoze.I had a session with him on friday
FastWheels's Avatar
Apparently I am still not on your regular distribution list, despite many okays and attending the last two HH's... That said, it does not look like I can make this one anyway...
GneissGuy's Avatar
Let me suggest that both of the above people contact CK directly rather than on the forum, like it says in his sig line.

Both for the vouching, and to check on the e-mail invite. I suspect CK will want to know if the e-mails aren't getting through, or if he's made an error.

BTW, check your spam folder, too.
Looking forward to attending.
ck1942's Avatar
GG - thanks for the reminder.

I ask simply that folks contact me directly - pm, em, text, etc. so that I can make a note of communications.

The event lists (Austin and San Antonio and elsewhere) are all separate, with some cross over, of course.

Much easier for me to track incoming messages, and all gents need at least two established provider vouches for sessions from within the past 90 days or so. I ask the gents to contact the providers to send me the vouches, as it is much easier for the gent to remind the lady when, where, etc. they sessioned. Yes, I know some ladies are less than diligent about sending vouches, but that comes with the territory.

Vouching cuts off at least 48 hours before an event. Yes, I do get vouches for ladies as well as gents.

I also track event attendance, and overly frequent absences usually result in an active invitee dropping down to inactive (no regular invites) status.

For those with a yen for lunch meetings, rather than happy hours, the Austin social committee has explored alternating M&Gs so, starting with a lunch in May, the summer plan calls for happy hours in the even numbered months -- April, for example, and lunches in the odd numbered months - May will be the first. With different venues and different meeting days for the lunches. So plan on Tuesday or Thursday in May, with more details in the em/pm loop.
Reincarnated's Avatar
Always look forward to this event! See ya there!
I am still out of the country for a few more weeks. Y'all have enough fun for me too, please.

Reincarnated's Avatar
Thanks ck for another good event! Good to see everyone!
well crap. Too late to make it
Kit-4-Kat's Avatar
Thx for keeping me abreast of upcoming events, CK. I'm so glad I attended last evening! :-) Seeing old friends and adding some that are new made for an enjoyable and diverse experience. Definitely hoping for future intimate encounters with... Well... most of you know who you are... and you have to say hello here before I can name you! :-)

Thanks CK , I survived another ! Good meeting you new people , and seeing old friends of course . Thanks to a good friend for a great after excursion !
Jennatx's Avatar
I almost made it to this event and wanted to so bad but real world life things came first.. I can't wait to be at the next one. Promise not to miss it
'Twas a lot of fun, as always. Nice to meet some new faces and spend time catching up with some of my favorite guys...*wink-wink-wink*. ;^)

Your Gypsy Goddess, Aphrodite
ck1942's Avatar
Lotta fun and so many new people last night!

For those whose browsers omit my signature: Please note the planned May 2013 schedule.

Email questionnaire coming soon regarding lunch day of week, some other items for Austin. Several out of town ladies are planning to help launch the Austin lunches. The established Austin happy hours will continue as usual. The lunches are in addition to the current HH schedule.

Still organizing/hosting regular monthly community lunches and happy hours in San Antonio and Austin. Plus periodic "Limited Edition" mini meet-and-greets.

May 2013 Events Calendar

San Antonio lunch & happy hour - to be announced
Austin Lunch - to be announced

Only well vouched established providers & well-vouched gents who respect event rules are invited. Provider vouch means 1) provider and hobbyist sessioned within the past 90 days and 2) provider believes hobbyist will respect M&G rules - see link: Local Event Vouching & Rules PM me for invitations. Vouching will close 48 hours before events.

Note: events are not sponsored/endorsed by eccie or any other board.