Puccipleaser's Avatar
Ladies and Gents,

I first want to say for the most part YES and NO reviews are usually clear cut, but sometimes we have those that fall into the gray area. Sometimes I think guys write a NO review, but still gives the lady a YES. Maybe guys don't want to be rude, or feels some sort of pressure from the community. I will say that these reviews are always based on everyone's perspectives. On the flip side, if you cut the session short and the first thing the provider says is "Are you going to write me a bad review" then I think she knows she was terrible regardless of how many YES reviews she has.

I say all this because I was with a provider who has 30 reviews without a NO, but there were a few reviews that were borderline. Not only that but she tried to upscale me as well. Just a lot of things she did that was a turnoff or a no no! She posts that she is GFE, but it was very mechanical and routine because it was the exact same order that was in another post. She was a nice enough girl, but not really catering to the mans likes. Just really seems like she hates what she does based off of a few comments that she made. I will post a review later today about the experience, but just wanted other opinions about giving a review a YES when the content warrants a NO.
Puccipleaser's Avatar
Upsale* (autocorrect)
fun2come's Avatar
First off, you can self Edit a post within 59 minutes by hitting the EDIT button at the end of the original post (I do it all the time).
Second, it is not a simple Yes/No on the Review, what you can do, select either Yes/No, then post, then EDIT the Review and change the Yes/No at the bottom to a MayBE or a YMWV, or whatever.

To answer your question: If it is BAD and IF it will be Bad for everybody, then I'd give a NO. If it was Bad just for me, but provider has potential and I fell into the YMWV trap, then it could be a Maybe or a weak yes....

Either way it's probably good to wait 24-48 hours before posting review... (even though for me often the afterglow strengthens if session was FUNtastic :-)
LordBeaverbrook's Avatar
Interesting topic. I think having the recommendation be only yes or no makes it a little harsh for NOs so if a lady is at least nice and moderately attractive (YMMV on attractive of course - one man's yes is another's not), it is sometimes tough for a lot of guys to give a full NO.

Ever had a session with a provider who is a sweet girl, but constantly mentions her likes and dislikes, hygiene and is clock watching even though you know she has no other appointment? Ever had a session with a provider you have seen and had a great time before, but she is distracted, clock watching and/or just not into it this time? I don't like to trash someone I basically like because they didn't live up to expectations (though perhaps I should) and a NO recommendation is basically irrevocable. OTOH, I own my bros (and the hos) an honest opinion. It seems particularly harsh if they have never had a NO, but most ladies with NO seem to live through it just fine so perhaps I should be tougher on them. The other aspect that seems to make it difficult is how careful we all need to be on communication so we don't get canceled or walked out on for mentioning stuff we shouldn't (but is often very necessary to a good session and a YES recommendation). After all part of business and sales, at least relationship sales which is ideally what the best of this should be, is setting expectations and then meeting or exceeding them.

Maybe I figure that what I like (GFE, IOP and a little focus...oh hell, a lot of FOCUS, chemistry, attention) isn't what most guys like on the board (a significant percentage seem to just like a hot body to stick a dick in, but that mostly doesn't do it for me), so I try not to be too harsh when I don't totally get what I want. At the least we should demand some level of focus and professionalism which is often very lacking.

My most recent less than satisfying session was with a lady who I had exchanged messages with and spoken to, but our schedules had never clicked. Her donation was also a bit higher than I usually prefer, especially if I haven't had a great session before but she seemed hot and GFE. She had hit some hard times and actually reached out to me (but I had been noticing she wasn't around for a while, then she was back and I thought about calling her - WARNING WARNING when they reach out to you) so we set something up. She was very sweet, but all caught up in her own issues and was just not into it and clock watching to such an extent that she wanted to end a session 15 minutes early twice. It was pretty clear that she didn't want to be a provider any more. Between high donation and no focus it just wasn't a good session, hardly even OK actually. I later told her that in the nicest way I could, but it seemed to hurt her feelings. Now I don't like to kick someone when they are down (actually that may be most of the motivation behind not being able to put a NO recommendation a lot of the time) but someone needed to tell her I think. Unfortunately, from what I can tell she has no other options than to be a provider right now. Sound familiar?
Puccipleaser's Avatar
Austxjr, lots of valuable input here. I understand everyone's mileage will vary, but certain things are a given, well at least I thought. She was not a bad girl at all, but her service was just poor. That was my observation. So do you give a Yes or No based on potential or based on your individual experience. I mean she is a no for me, and that's my experience for me. Someone else might like the exact same session with her. Fun2Cum, I know you will chime back in on this. I need opinions from everyone on this.
VictoriaLyn's Avatar
I think the yes but no review should be when her attitude is sweet and friendly and accommodating ,TCB is spot on, the incall is clean,she wasnt late and is into her job or gives the IOP but you just were not into her as you thought you were ..so..YES shes a great provider but NO she was not for me..

some guys are afraid of the reaction of a lady so they hide behind the yes/no review..the NO is is ROS but yes is visible to her on the review. I think its wrong reviews are for you guys and no lady should either dictate it or instill fear in a guy for saying he didnt enjoy his time
Puccipleaser's Avatar
Thanks for the insight Victoria!
fun2come's Avatar
Fun2Cum, I know you will chime back in on this. I need opinions from everyone on this. Originally Posted by Puccipleaser
???? I had my say, nothing I read so far has changed my opinion.

You can do a VL, "Yes, but not for me", sounds good to me.
3daygetaway's Avatar
Great topic--NOT even so much for the men, but for the women. They need to be aware that the recommendation is not the entire story and not feel bad about it. If a provider I write a NO for is curious as to why, I THINK she's allowed to ask me in a PM??? In which case, personally, I would tell her---In fact, a followup conversation of that sort would go a LONG way toward changing my opinion of her. Every business has to do follow-up market research, right? That's how they learn to improve. I ALWAYS read reviews, and am only occasionally turned off by a NO. Providers should know that we are not looking at JUST titles or recommendations in reviews but watching the date of reviews and researching a provider's other recent posts/ads; they can often tell us what headspace a provider is in.

That being said, NO reviews are the ones I want to read most! In almost every situation, you can see why the reviewer chose no, and often it is a personal preference or pet-peeve or the obvious chip on the hobbyist's shoulder. SOMETIMES, it is a red flag about a flagging interest in TCB or BCD, which other hobbyists need to be aware of--and so do the providers.

An occasional, well-supported and justifiable NO review shows a maturity and trustworthiness of the boards. Likewise, it proves the humanity of your providers and the transparency/honesty of your hobbyists; it should be commended.
LordBeaverbrook's Avatar
3DG, I agree it would be great if most of the woman really cared, but I get the impression that maybe 1/3th or 1/4th actually do care and are quite professional. I base this on the way they market and set their donations as well as how they screen and whether they upsell. It seems the majority just look around and say, "I'm as hot as she is and she's charging $250" or whatever rate, but most don't get that it isn't always about being a 36-24-36 blond barbie or looking like a porn star. Probably the hottest session I've ever had was with a 40ish chubby MILF in her friends sketchy apartment. She kept me going and wrung me out good and it was "funtastic" to quote someone. All but one of my best sessions have been very reasonably priced, but I usually left a good tip too.

IMHO, the provider should be the professional (clients should be respectful and clean at a minimum) and once the session starts, she should focus and respond, working on reading the client and making everything go as well as possible. I'm fairly forgiving I think, but far more so on a $150 session than on a $300 session. This is just the same as if I'm consulting and the customer is paying $300/hr rather than $160/hr (ironically, my rates when working for a company vs. my rates as an independent).

That said, I'd also be far more inclined to write a no or maybe on a higher priced provider who disappointed than on a less expensive session. Maybe I'm wrong in that? Opinions?
Loxly's Avatar
  • Loxly
  • 07-07-2013, 09:20 PM
You might also add a "would not repeat" with the YMMV.

I also factor in that I'm not the strapping youth I used to be and, although some providers are great actresses, some may have a mental block about having sex with their grandfather.
knotty man's Avatar
i just wish there was a rating system instead of an arbitrary Yes or No.
perhaps a recommendation on a 1 - 10 scale
bigv123's Avatar
^^^^ THIS!
I, for one, would REALLY like that. I've had some appointments that were borderline between yes/no, but a numeric value would help that fact stand out a lot more.
fun2come's Avatar
You might also add a "would not repeat" with the YMMV.

I also factor in that I'm not the strapping youth I used to be and, although some providers are great actresses, some may have a mental block about having sex with their grandfather. Originally Posted by Loxly
sex with my grandfather, now why on earth would you put that picture in my sick and twisted brain ...

I'd prefer a Yes/Maybe/No rating system instead of 1-10.

and I like to point out again, that you can put whatever you want (and the ModGods will allow you to get away with) via a simple edit.
I would much prefer a no and a full explanation as to what lead to the no review that everyone can see and decipher for themselves than a yes in public, but a no in the ROS. Come on. Out with the whole story! Of course, it would only be his side of the story, but at least the smart people can read thru bullshit!