Kudos to the Supremes

berryberry's Avatar
By a vote of 6-3, the Supreme Court just ruled that university admissions programs that use affirmative action and other race-based admissions criteria are unconstitutional and violate the 14th Amendment. Roberts wrote the opinion

In other words. the Supreme Court declares race-based affirmative action in college admissions is what it is, Illegal racial discrimination.

Poor, unconnected Asian kids can no longer legally lose out to rich, less-qualified Black kids.

berryberry's Avatar
Everyone who’s ever denounced systemic racism should be celebrating the end of affirmative action today.

"Many universities have for too long wrongly concluded that the touchstone of an individual’s identity is not challenges bested, skills built, or lessons learned, but the color of their skin. This Nation’s constitutional history does not tolerate that choice."
berryberry's Avatar
Never forget that the moment the Supreme Court struck down systemic racism in America the *first* voices screaming in opposition were:

- Barack Obama
- Michelle Obama
- Joe Biden

Kinda tells you everything you need to know.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
A decade too late. The schools should be forced to reimburse parents who had to spend 3x the amount on grad schools because their kid got bumped from state programs by people with lesser achievements but darker skin. A 3.9gpa pasty white girl will lose her spot to a 3.1 minority, every single time. Glad to see it come to an end tho, at least it’s progress.
berryberry's Avatar
A decade too late. The schools should be forced to reimburse parents who had to spend 3x the amount on grad schools because their kid got bumped from state programs by people with lesser achievements but darker skin. A 3.9gpa pasty white girl will lose her spot to a 3.1 minority, every single time. Glad to see it come to an end tho, at least it’s progress. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
Indeed. Affirmative action in these college admissions was a leftist run scam. It is why you see racists like Senile Biden and the Obamas so up in arms about ending racial discrimination

Parents should sue the hell out of these universities
Jacuzzme's Avatar
From Justice Thomas concurrence
The great failure of this country was slavery and its progeny. And, the tragic failure of this Court was its misinterpretation of the Reconstruction Amendments, as Justice Harlan predicted in Plessy. We should not repeat this mistake merely because we think, as our predecessors thought, that the present arrangements are superior to the Constitution.

The Court's opinion rightly makes clear that Gutter is,
for all intents and purposes, overruled. And, it sees the univerities' admissions policies for what they are: rudderless, race-based preferences designed to ensure a particular racial mix in their entering classes. Those policies fly in the face of our colorblind Constitution and our Nation's equality ideal. In short, they are plainly and boldly unconstitutional.

While I am painfully aware of the social and economic ravages which have befallen my race and all who suffer discrimination, I hold out enduring hope that this country will live up to its principles so clearly enunciated in the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of the United States: that all men are created equal, are equal citizens
and must be treated equally before the law.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
From Justice Thomas concurrence

The great failure of this country was slavery and its progeny. And, the tragic failure of this Court was its misinterpretation of the Reconstruction Amendments, as Justice Harlan predicted in Plessy. We should not repeat this mistake merely because we think, as our predecessors thought, that the present arrangements are superior to the Constitution.

The Court's opinion rightly makes clear that Gutter is,
for all intents and purposes, overruled. And, it sees the univerities' admissions policies for what they are: rudderless, race-based preferences designed to ensure a particular racial mix in their entering classes. Those policies fly in the face of our colorblind Constitution and our Nation's equality ideal. In short, they are plainly and boldly unconstitutional.

While I am painfully aware of the social and economic ravages which have befallen my race and all who suffer discrimination, I hold out enduring hope that this country will live up to its principles so clearly enunciated in the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of the United States: that all men are created equal, are equal citizens
and must be treated equally before the law. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme

exactly. because fixing racism and discrimination with more racism and discrimination always works. NOT
berryberry's Avatar
exactly. because fixing racism and discrimination with more racism and discrimination always works. NOT Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Indeed - Clarence Thomas was spot on as usual.

It's been fun watching all the leftists including the usual Democrat idiots in DC and the DNC media going batshit crazy over ending discrimination.

What we’ve learned today. If you want to see the Leftists have a nuclear meltdown - just take away their ability to be racists.

berryberry's Avatar
I just wanna thank Michelle Obama for having the courage to to tweet from one of her three mansions that black people can’t get ahead in this day and age.
berryberry's Avatar
I just wanna thank Michelle Obama for having the courage to to tweet from one of her three mansions that black people can’t get ahead in this day and age. Originally Posted by berryberry
BREAKING: Photos have just leaked of Mooshelle Obama currently vacationing on a massive private yacht on a private island in Greece. This means I was wrong - Mooshelle wasn't tweeting from one of her 3 mansions. No, the Obamas were rage-tweeting about being “oppressed” & “victimized” after the SCOTUS Affirmative Action ruling from THIS luxury yacht:

berryberry's Avatar
Mooshelle could have also tweeted about her "oppression" by the Supreme Court from her 29-acre, 7 bedrooms and 8 and a half bathroom estate on another private Island, Martha's Vineyard.

That's not all!

The Oppressed Obama's are demolishing Hawaii's pristine natural coastline to build *another* 3 acre, 6 bedroom mansion. They bought the land for 8.7M in 2015.

If Mooshelle did not feel like tweeting about her "oppression" from one of her private island mansions -- she could settle down for the simple life in her 9 bedroom, 9 and a half bath (!!!) 8,200 sq ft, $8.1 million castle in Washington, DC.

How did the "poor" Obama's get so much $ while living in the WH - who knows!?
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Barrack better watch Michelle doesn’t take being in Greece to heart. He won’t sit right for a month.
How did the "poor" Obama's get so much $ while living in the WH - who knows!? Originally Posted by berryberry
I do. Most of it came from book deals.

berryberry's Avatar
Barrack better watch Michelle doesn’t take being in Greece to heart. He won’t sit right for a month. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
Well if the rumors are true that Michelle is a tranny, barrack may be used to that already. He always did act like he had a stick up his ass
berryberry's Avatar
Man the racists & bigots really don’t like when their racism & bigotry is ruled unconstitutional