
Alright ladies and gents, this is my first national thread...I only ask you don't tear me apart. :-)

Ladies, I'm curious as to your motivation for being a provider. Is it because you enjoy what you do? The money is just too good? Or is it due to something else? Maybe nothing good?

I'm really just curious for honest answers. Of course if you are apprehensive about sharing then feel free to PM me. We all know how to keep secrets and if you PM I won't share.

Thank you all for your time!
Naomi4u's Avatar
My reasons


In that exact order.
+1 Naomi, dead on.
London Rayne's Avatar
Money, travel the world for free, sex, the ability to work a tenth of the time I would work in a civie job for 3 times the money, ability to do other things such as go to school or complete an externship, spend more time with family and friends since I do what I want when I want, meet tons of great people I would have never met.
Money and laziness. Doing very little for a lot. Being able to do whatever, whenever.
Thank you ladies, keep it coming! :-)
London Rayne's Avatar
Money and laziness. Doing very little for a lot. Being able to do whatever, whenever. Originally Posted by Shayla
Ha ha agreed. There is no way in hell I could raise a toddler, have went to school, work for free in the hospital, and travel the world at my leisure without this business.

I don't think people realize just how hard it is to get a job that pays what we make here...even with a BS or Masters. Starting salary with those degrees and NO experience, is only 40-65k depending on the field. Take taxes out, and you're not making what you do here...and you are putting in 50 hr. weeks.

You can make more in sales these days vs. with certain degrees...pretty sad considering the average student loan debt is 50k...over 80 if you attend a private school.

Providing is one of few jobs that if you go broke one day, you can make it up in an hour. It's a false sense of security when you think about it.

There are more risks here than any other job as well... being found out, stds, getting robbed, raped, killed, arrested, etc. The rates are according to the risks we take...not really for screwing strangers. That's the easiest part of this job IMO.
Naomi4u's Avatar
Yeah the sex is great as in ... we can fuck anytime we want but it's definitely not one of the reasons why I decided to become an escort AND any decent looking to attractive lady that says they got in this business because she wanted to fuck as much as she wanted is LYING! She can get fucked for free at a bar. Sorry I don't blow smoke up any man's ass. Yes I like fucking but lets face it, a lot of guys aren't that great at fucking. It's the ones that are great at doing it that makes it all worthwhile :-). Point blank simple.

Oh and there are certain aspects of this business that aren't -- errm legal but a lot of ladies are willing to take the risk because of the $$$$$$ involved. So there goes that "I just love to fuck" theory. One mistake you could end up in jail or with a psycho. BIG risk to take for someone that just wants to fuck knowing she can get it from some Joe at a bar for free ehhh??

As long as the guy is treated like a kind bcd and the lady can MAKE him believe he's fucking Cassanova, that is all that matters.
Ha ha agreed. There is no way in hell I could raise a toddler, have went to school, work for free in the hospital, and travel the world at my leisure without this business.

I don't think people realize just how hard it is to get a job that pays what we make here...even with a BS or Masters. Starting salary with those degrees and NO experience, is only 40-65k. Take taxes out, and you're not making what you do here...and you are putting in 50 hr. weeks.

You can make more in sales these days vs. with certain degrees...pretty sad considering the average student loan debt is 50k...over 80 if you attend a private school.

Providing is one of few jobs that if you go broke one day, you can make it up in an hour. It's a false sense of security when you think about it.

There are more risks here than any other job as well... being found out, stds, getting robbed, raped, killed, arrested, etc. The rates are according to the risks we take...not really for screwing strangers. That's the easiest part of this job IMO. Originally Posted by London Rayne
I agree. However, I think an exit plan is key in this industry. I don't want to insult anyone by saying this, but I don't want to rely solely on this income in a few years down the road. I recently just took a leave of absense from my "normal" job and it's already getting to my head.

The downside with this "profession" is that there is no sense of entitlement. In my opinion, anyway. Getting praise because I'm a good lay doesn't really boost my ego lol.

Anyway, to sway back on topic this hobby has a lot of perks and advantages for short-term (even long-term to an extent) goals.
London Rayne's Avatar
Naomi, I laugh at that notion as well ha ha. If someone just wants to fk, they would be doing it for free without risking being arrested or killed.

Shayla, smart gal. If you are here for more than 5 years and still have not saved enough to buy a home ..even a few, you're not very good at the financial aspect of business. I know a few ladies who have retired here before 35 and only put in about 3 years. People get used to that easy money and think it will never will when the looks are gone, or at the very least you won't make what you did when you started.

I am truly amazed at how many women are literally broke here! They live from week to week, call to call, and never save a dime...they can't even afford to take a week off when their period is on..GROSS!

I know providers charging $300 an hour and don't even own a car yet, much less a home. Granted, I may drive a luxury vehicle but it's PAID for, and I own a home. I would never pay a car note if I was paying rent.

This is not the business to do that in, or it will catch up with you. People who have money don't have it because they make a lot in most cases....they know how to save, invest, and be smart about where they put their cash.
Naomi4u's Avatar
Oh just FYI London, I bought a new car yesterday! heheheheheh That's why I was trying to call you earlier!
Oh just FYI London, I bought a new car yesterday! heheheheheh That's why I was trying to call you earlier! Originally Posted by Naomi4u
What kind?!?!
London Rayne's Avatar
Awesome!! I am keeping my SUV for another 4 years at least. Too hot to trade right now lol.
Naomi4u's Avatar
What kind?!?! Originally Posted by Shayla
You have a pm my friend. ;-)

Awesome!! I am keeping my SUV for another 4 years at least. Too hot to trade right now lol. Originally Posted by London Rayne
I wouldn't trade it in at all. Keep it and buy a new one when you're read.

Next goal: New condo then school! As if I haven't moved enough!
mrsprettykitty's Avatar
I do it for the CREAM.