Two things that the founders wished to have protected and both are under attack from the left again. The Arizona legislature has passed a law protecting both property rights and religious freedom. The left is calling it a discrimination against gay people law. They are full of it as usual.
The reason for the law is demonstrated in other states where people have lost their businesses and personal freedoms. Lets get down to brass tacks and talk about private property rights. Could I come into your house, set my ass in your favorite chair and watch TV without your permission? I would like to think not but I could point out that you do not own that house (shades of Obama), the bank owns that house until you pay it off. The bank is regulated by the government and in some cases owes money to the government for a bailout. The government owns your house which makes it public property. I'll take my snacks here beside me please. That bakery is private property and they have a right to deny service to anyone. The claim is that they don't serve gay people.... not true. They don't make gay wedding cakes because their religious beliefs preclude the idea of "gay marriage". If a gay person walks into the bakery and wants some brownies I am quite sure that they will get them. Unless they walk in wearing a tank top and chaps only. Once again, they have the right to refuse service. It is absolutely wrong to say that this is discriminating against gay people. It is discriminating against the idea of gay marriage. Just like you could discriminate against some neo-nazis who want a swastika cake or a known child molester who wants naked children to adorn his pastry. By forbidding people from acting on their beliefs and values is a repudiation of the core of the Constitution; personal freedom. You cannot force someone to take action in support of your personal freedom. That is for you to do.
If Arizona is forced to oppress the religious freedom of some for the rights of a few then what is being said about religious freedom in general? There is no religious freedom is it can be taken away by a vocal few. Gay people say that they will boycott Arizona, what if religiious people decided to do the same thing for the opposite reason. According to the elites their beliefs don't mean shit to the left leaning crowd. Would you same people force someone who is Jewish or Muslim to process pork in any way shape or form because people demand that they sacrifice their religious principals for the convenience of some?
For the mod, there is the fair time response to the other posting and not the same thing.