The Weather and The CWS

Well, I decided to take a friend up on tickets to the CWS game tonight. Needless to say, I look like a drowned rat/raccoon. One or two of you guys have seen me look like that and I don't think its a very sexy look on me. lol

Damn damn weather....damn rain. But, the thunderstorm and lightening is amazing this evening. Too bad I'm all alone, this is perfect cuddling/sex time.

I shall try again tomorrow for another game.
For the über weather geeks, forecasting done right, here:
Talk about getting to 2nd base!..........

Sorry, got that from Tacky Jokes R Us.

Glad you attempted to have some fun, Ms. Elena! Sure glad the Big O got this new facility to showcase the city.

Sounds like quite a bit of rock and roll with the weather last night. As long as Dorothy's house doesn't land on a relative it's not a bad night here in the heartland!

LOL 2nd base huh?

I did have fun. I have a couple connections with the CWS and can usually get great seats, so I try to make it to at least 2 games each year.

The weather was awesome last night, of course AFTER I got home. lol The lightening was amazing and I really wish the battery in my camera wasn't dead, because I could've taken some beautiful pictures.

Funny how you threw in the Oz reference. I just saw Wicked last weekend. Loved it!!!

I'm dried off now and ready for fun indoors today.
There are def more 'fun' things to do indoors anyway... But, yes this weather has been crazy.

Ms. Elena, you don't enjoy getting a little wet? =) Or did I read that wrong...

I LOVE to get wet, in more ways than one.

As for the weather and game tonight, I'm keeping my lil happy ass indoors and watching the game from my comfy bed.
Omahan's Avatar
They have a great CWS special at Zurlos Bistro (about 132 and Maple). Show your CWS ticket stub and get a free pizza. I would guess it's a small but their small completely fills a normal dinner plate. It's also 1 deal per table but WTH - it's free! It would have been a nice place to dry out Elena.
Oh that would've been nice if I was still living out in that area. I moved and its too far to drive for a pizza. Unless that pizza is served by Michael Buble or John Mayer, then I'll drive and do unmentionable things to them.
snowbeard's Avatar
[QUOTE=MsElena;1401513]Well, I decided to take a friend up on tickets to the CWS game tonight. Needless to say, I look like a drowned rat/raccoon. One or two of you guys have seen me look like that and I don't think its a very sexy look on me. lol

Ms. E - You'd look good soaked in oil and dressed in a gunny sack. How can you NOT look sexy?

Awww, you flatter me. Also, you'll need to stop by so I can give you that $20.
Snowbeard, Awww, you flatter me. Also, you'll need to stop by so I can give you that $20. Originally Posted by MsElena
Wait, I'm confused, aren't us gentlemen supposed to give YOU the money, not the other way around? If not, I like this new business model.
snowbeard's Avatar

Awww, you flatter me. Also, you'll need to stop by so I can give you that $20. Originally Posted by MsElena
Can do - will do!