Dive bar - easy women...

Any suggestions for finding single women in the Burgh? Every time I go to a bar looking for women I find tables full of them, but they're with their friends. Do women never just go to bars looking for guys?? Anyways, I want more than just a quick hour thing this weekend, and I figure my best shot is a civi...Any suggestions would be appreciated.
Grow a pair of balls and approach a group that looks approachable. Easier with a friend.
I'm in the same boat. I have yet to make out it now that everything's back on. Eventually, I'm just going to bite the bullet and take whatwhathuh's advice and hope I don't make too much of an ass out of myself with the opening.
Buy the all a round of drinks and go over and talk to them. Whats so hard about that?
I don't get it. Why all the sarcasm? I asked a simple question and what do i get in response, quippy sarcastic Dick head responses. This is supposed to be a community of people working together to help figure things out and to remain safe. Fuck it!
flows-with-water's Avatar
You have to separate one from the herd. They usually go to the restroom in pairs but that is the time to break the ice by discretely intercepting on their return trip to the table. Need to say something to them that will get a verbal response.
It will be difficult to snag one for a one night stand.
You won’t catch anything without trying. Also if you have another friend with you, that is better than being a lone Wolf. Good luck in these trying post pandemic times
I don't get it. Why all the sarcasm? I asked a simple question and what do i get in response, quippy sarcastic Dick head responses. This is supposed to be a community of people working together to help figure things out and to remain safe. Fuck it! Originally Posted by wheretogo
Cmon bro - what do you expect? Every single case is situational! Do you want a simple "buy her an Imp and Iron" and then boom, you're in her bedroom? It don't work that way.

The first step is to walk into a dive bar. The second step is to visually seek a female, preferably one that is not wearing a wedding ring and is alone or with other females. The third step it to verbally engage with said female.
(And don't buy them an Imp and Iron - if they know what that is, they're way too old haha)
snoopy75's Avatar
Do they still make Imperial Whiskey?
I didn't feel any sarcasm here. The advise is solid. You aren't going to be hunting down waiting for a weak one to fall out of the pack.

You have to dive headfirst into the swarm and try to get a fish.
Understand, it has been nearly 34 years since I even tried to pick up a woman... I'm just looking for a place where my odds are a little better.
bambino's Avatar
It’s hard enough to pay for pussy nowadays. I couldn’t imagine how hard it is now in the bar scene. Seems like the pickup scene has moved to the internet. Join SA.
How was the advice dick-headish at all? You're literally asking how to talk to women. Go and talk to them. If you had the balls to do so in the first place, you wouldn't be asking.
Fuck you! Why don't you go talk to women instead of buying pussy!
I don't get it. Why all the sarcasm? I asked a simple question and what do i get in response, quippy sarcastic Dick head responses. This is supposed to be a community of people working together to help figure things out and to remain safe. Fuck it! Originally Posted by wheretogo
Were a a bunch of guys sitting around talking about pussy, dont be so sensitive for fucks sake lol. This is not a safe space lol.
Fuck you! Why don't you go talk to women instead of buying pussy! Originally Posted by wheretogo