
~Ze~'s Avatar
  • ~Ze~
  • 03-30-2010, 01:02 AM
Just wanted to pop in and say hello from South Korea! Miss you guys.
Dude...! What up, yo?! I command thee back to the states. You cannot Kung-Fu is strong!
Hi Ze! we miss you, too
Hello Ze...How are you? Hope all is well with you and are enjoying South Korea...We certainly miss you in the community....When are you planning to visit us? Hopefully soon....

Aha! How is the Kimchi?

You are missed!
Don't hurry back, but come and visit us now and then
Ze, I miss you!!!!!!!! Please check back on us again!

Guest100610-2's Avatar
We miss you ze!!!!
I hope you are enjoying your adventures around the world. You left behind a tear in our community that has not been repairable and is now affecting our time-continuum. And now, Nicole Preston has retired and the rip in the time-continuum is increasing more rapidly.

Please hear our pleas for help. Can you locate and forward to us the Mystical Oriental T-C Repair Kit (Honda makes a good one) so we can accelerate the healing process. Please avoid the one that Toyota uses as it has a faulty accelerator module.

If you are not able to locate the repair kit, then please stay in touch, hold us close to your heart and send us greetings more frequent.