Are you better off..

KosherCowboy's Avatar
than you were four years ago ( well 3, he has another year + in office)

A very simple poll. No spin needed. 3 easy choices, more likely than not the same choices that Americans will ask themselves when they enter the voting booths in the fall of 2012 to elect our next Kommander in Chief or re-elect the kurrent one.
Budman's Avatar
Not just no but fuck no.
budman33's Avatar
Yes, Better job, headhunters circling like sharks. IT has been good for me.
Hell yes! And it was pretty good four years ago.
Define better off? I voted yes on the simple fact that no longer having a retarded ass-clown in the White House has made my life just a little bit better.
I am better off, but I know many who aren't.
Yes, Better job, headhunters circling like sharks. IT has been good for me. Originally Posted by budman33
+1 It's been a question of which better job to take.
I voted no on the simple fact that now having a retarded ass-clown in the White House makes my life exceedingly worse.
NipLover's Avatar
I voted no on the simple fact that now having a retarded ass-clown in the White House makes my life exceedingly worse. Originally Posted by Billy_Saul
I am curious how he makes your life exceedingly worse.
I voted no on the simple fact that now having a retarded ass-clown in the White House makes my life exceedingly worse. Originally Posted by Billy_Saul
Seems you are in the minority Billy, nearly 3-1 I might add.

I too would love to hear why you think Obama is a retarded ass-clown and how he's personally made your life exceedingly worse. Moreover, I am quite curious how he's managed to make your like exceedingly worse while the other 2/3rds of us have had no such issues. Maybe time to consider that it's perhaps something you're doing wrong? Maybe you've blown your tax reduction this year on too many working girls? Or perhaps this healthcare law requiring insurance companies to accept you regardless of pre-existing conditions has finally cornered you in to seeing a doctor for that check-up you've been putting off? I don't like doctors either, but sheesh, that's taking it kinda hard!

Maybe you're just worried about getting shot in a National Park with open-carry law he signed?

runswithscissors's Avatar
I can say that I am bettter off this year than last year and the year before....I am grateful for my success....and have recently hired two new interns in Austin; am I helping the economy? Maybe so...

Interesting poll results so far.....
Yes I'm better off in the fact that I run my own business now. Yet opened up right before the shit hit the fan. Luckly i'm still open but just hanging on.
DragonTongue's Avatar
I feel that I am better off, however as far as my opinion of Obama, I think he's had nothing to do with it. The oil patch has always been cyclical. I didn't over-extend myself when I moved into my last house. I've paid off my truck and resisted the urge to throw money away on a new one. I think that the economy reached it's natural bottom, and has recovered slightly IN SPITE of Obama's agenda.

As far as what the future entails, the debt will have to be paid off. I would rather do it than force the next generation to do it. I'm healthy, and not reliant on health care to a large extent. I have my own retirement set up, and won't be devestated when social security is collapsing.
setman's Avatar
Yes, I get off better than I did 4 years ago, oh wait, that's an answer to different question, right?

Enjoy yourself, stay safe.

Setty (SouthSide)

An emphatic HELL YES!