"Cheating is a chance for the body to assert its dominion over the soul"

"This is the most absolute choice I can make. I am there on my own. Against every code, rule, and set of mores I pretend to obey. Against better judgment, against every lesson of hindsight and every shard of wisdom that comes with age, I have no regrets in that moment, because I am naked, or without pants, and I have chosen to be there. I have voted by my presence, declared it, and I feel the blood moving in me again."

I don't know what's better; the strait forward, unapologetic, narcissistic, inflated ego of the author, or the highly over critical, incredibly judgmental, comments of those disgusted by its content.... Oh! Might I point out, he never stated he requested fidelity from his spouse...

True, some folks really shouldn't be married.... But, that's none of my business. I can't possibly be the only person who understood his point of view, finished this article and thought.... Hell yes!

Miss Valentina's Avatar
Very interesting article. Perhaps a bit égoïste but compelling all the same.

But did you by chance happen to read the comments below the article? A great deal of vehemence from outraged and scandalized women. Certainly this comes as no surprise to you and I does it?

Which only further proves my maxim that men who moralize about fidelity are invariably hypocrites and women who moralize are invariably dull.
Centaur's Avatar
Which only further proves my maxim that men who moralize about fidelity are invariably hypocrites and women who moralize are invariably dull. Originally Posted by Miss Valentina
Morality is fascinating. Judgement beyond that needed to decide how one's self will interact or not with the subject, is mainly insecurity IMHO.

I'll let the apostle Paul lay it out better than I ever could hope to...

But did you by chance happen to read the comments below the article? A great deal of vehemence from outraged and scandalized women. Certainly this comes as no surprise to you and I does it? Originally Posted by Miss Valentina
Indeed, it does not. Some of the male reaction to his piece was just as exacting, judgemental, and vehemence as the bulk of the female response. That did surprise me. Conveying their certainty he was due for or would see the error of his ways once he contracted an STD he "deserved" due to his behavior.
Loxly's Avatar
  • Loxly
  • 10-04-2014, 08:37 AM
"Morality, like Honesty, is merely the fear of being caught!" ~ Loxly
inspector farquar's Avatar
... I can't possibly be the only person who ... finished this article and thought.... Hell yes! Originally Posted by Mia Christine
I don't understand what you find so enthralling about this tale of chronic deception. Might you elaborate?
True, some folks really shouldn't be married.... But, that's none of my business. I can't possibly be the only person who understood his point of view, finished this article and thought.... Hell yes! Originally Posted by Mia Christine
Thanks, I needed that.

But did you by chance happen to read the comments below the article? A great deal of vehemence from outraged and scandalized women. Certainly this comes as no surprise to you and I does it?

Which only further proves my maxim that men who moralize about fidelity are invariably hypocrites and women who moralize are invariably dull. Originally Posted by Miss Valentina
...and the men that aren't hypocrites in this regard are also dull. I couldn't read more than 3 comments. It was painful. It made me think of the recent rise of the mega-churches.

I don't understand what you find so enthralling about this tale of chronic deception. Might you elaborate? Originally Posted by inspector farquar
So just to be clear, this is a hooker board. Life is complicated. I suspect most people who do not believe life is complicated are an undo burden on their friends and family.

Wait...I'm getting tangential. Also, my cat is helping me type.
inspector farquar's Avatar

So just to be clear, this is a hooker board.

Why, thank you for the reminder. I suppose this is to mean "anything goes"? Criticism is not allowed because this is a hooker board?

Life is complicated.

Less so for some than others. I have found the more honest my interactions the less complicated my life gets. Go figure.

I suspect most people who do not believe life is complicated are an undo burden on their friends and family.

And I suspect those who lie to their family and friends under the guise of "life is complicated" are devout cowards. Originally Posted by junkweed
--- Originally Posted by inspector farquar
