P Diddy on the lamb!!!!

bambino's Avatar
Well, we really can’t talk about why Diddy’s properties were raided and he hopped his private jet and left the country but it’s pretty serious stuff.


Then, right on cue, the Deep State takes out a major bridge in Baltimore. We live in interesting times.
bambino's Avatar
Re: P Diddy on Donald Trump in 2020

“If Trump is elected, we’re on the verge of a race war.”

“White men like Trump need to be banished.”

DO YOU see how they use Hollywood mega stars to push their politics?

These people are captured… they are blackmailed, but rewarded with success if they play along.

Literally everyone who’s vehemently gone against Trump has been discovered to be a “forbidden topics”, or criminal.
bambino's Avatar
bambino's Avatar
eyecu2's Avatar
What if Mr. Diddy is a dirty dude who did what he's been implied to have done? Isn't the righ twing of government the ones who brought us FOSTA and the rest of the "lets monitor what's happening in bedrooms in "merica"?

Perhaps the over-reach on consenting adults activities has come back to haunt some of those in power and in high social status positions?? Not to impune the good parts of FOSTA, but not everything that happened online was about non consent. (ergo it's funny- members are here on this online forum.)

I'd imagine the good intentions of LEO, and those who were tasked to find Mr. Diddy and his hard drives will likely find what they are looking for. He doesn't seem to be very sophisticated in hiding his stuff. vs. parading it in front of others directly or without any reservations.

As to the bridge incident, I'm not sure how you're connecting the two of those together, but it's a pretty far stretch to think that would be a reasonable action planned by a government just to control the narrative against things that Mr. Diddy or others are involved in.
winn dixie's Avatar
Who is Piddy? Why is he on the lamb
bambino's Avatar
What if Mr. Diddy is a dirty dude who did what he's been implied to have done? Isn't the righ twing of government the ones who brought us FOSTA and the rest of the "lets monitor what's happening in bedrooms in "merica"?

Perhaps the over-reach on consenting adults activities has come back to haunt some of those in power and in high social status positions?? Not to impune the good parts of FOSTA, but not everything that happened online was about non consent. (ergo it's funny- members are here on this online forum.)

I'd imagine the good intentions of LEO, and those who were tasked to find Mr. Diddy and his hard drives will likely find what they are looking for. He doesn't seem to be very sophisticated in hiding his stuff. vs. parading it in front of others directly or without any reservations.

As to the bridge incident, I'm not sure how you're connecting the two of those together, but it's a pretty far stretch to think that would be a reasonable action planned by a government just to control the narrative against things that Mr. Diddy or others are involved in. Originally Posted by eyecu2
I wasn’t connecting the two. Just a rash of huge events happening. And Diddy is a complete scumbag. Mebbe Leo is there to hide the evidence. Just like other people of Decent days ilk.

Mebbe they should raid Martha’s Vineyard too!!!!

bambino's Avatar
bambino's Avatar
bambino's Avatar
Jay-Z rapped in 2009that he had "Obama on the text, y'all should be afraid of what I'm gonna do next”

Jay-Z rapped in 2013 that he got “White House clearance” for his trip to Cuba.

In a 2015 article, CNN admitted Obama and Jay Z are close.

If Jay-Z is next then all roads will lead to Obama.
Dr-epg's Avatar
Thread is about P-Ditty
bambino's Avatar
Diddy indicted! When do canaries sing? Or does he get Epsteined??????


Diddy in some deep do do.
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bambino's Avatar

Trump wasn’t talking about shutting Hollywood down by accident on Saturday.